
Event Debrief: An overview of South African wetlands (GWD CENTRAL)

07 Mar 2024
National Hub
Home News Event Debrief: An overview of South African wetlands (GWD CENTRAL)

Risks related to groundwater resources in the Murray-Darling Basin, Australia

Groundwater governance and risk management in the Murray-Darling Basin in Australia (MDB) are being challenged by the increasing demand for water and the growing scarcity and variability of water supply owing to climate change. Over the past 20 years, consideration of risk related to groundwater in the MDB has evolved from concerns about the impact of groundwater extraction on surface water resources to an integrated assessment of risks to connected water resources and ecosystems.

Regional-scale identification of recharge or discharge using remote sensing and GIS: Implications towards groundwater-surface water interactions

Identifying groundwater recharge and discharge areas across catchments is critical for implementing effective strategies for salinity mitigation, surface water and groundwater resource management, and ecosystem protection. This study seeks to identify potential GW-SW discharge and recharge areas around the Barotse Floodplain.

Home News New WRC Publications available!

A number of WRC important GUIDELINE documents have recently been published on its KNOWLEDGE HUB.  We herewith spotlight a few really great recent publications by our Members but please make sure to visit the HUB where there is a number of just as pertinent and very relevant documents available!

Ecosystems In Fractured Aquifer Groundwater Can Treat Contamination

Groundwater is not often regarded as ecosystems and especially fractured aquifer systems are seen as organism free. Conventional tests show very little to no presence of micro-organisms in groundwater. However, these micro-organisms are ubiquitous and can be detected by using sophisticated methods.

Development Of A Conceptual Understanding Of Hydrogeological Relationship Between The Skurweberg Aquifer And Wetlands In The Steenbras Catchment

The City of Cape Town (CoCT) commenced a study into the feasibility of the Table Mountain Group aquifers (TMGA) for augmenting the water supply to the city in 2002. It comprised drilling of exploration boreholes in several target areas and the establishment of a hydrogeological and ecological monitoring network. Due to the prolonged drought and associated water crisis, the CoCT decided to fast-track the TMGA development in 2017.

SAIEG Webinar: Environmental Risk Assessment for Cemeteries, Prof MA Dippenaar

  • Environment
  • Ecosystems
  • Safety

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SAIEG Webinar: Environmental Risk Assessment for Cemeteries, Prof MA Dippenaar


3rd SADC Groundwater Conference (SADC-GMI)

  • Groundwater
  • Water
  • Ecosystems
  • Hydrogeology

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Event Contacts

3rd SADC Groundwater Conference (SADC-GMI)
