How groundwater temperature is affected by climate change: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Groundwater (GW) is a target of climate change (CC), and the effects become progressively more evident in recent years. Many studies reported the effects on GW quantity, but of extreme interest is also the assessment of qualitative impacts, especially on GW temperature (GWT), because of the consequences they could have. This study aims to systematically review the published papers dealing with CC and GWT, to determine the impacts of CC on GWT, and to highlight possible consequences. Scopus and Web of Science databases were consulted, obtaining 144 papers. However, only 45 studies were considered for this review after a screening concerning eliminating duplicate papers, a first selection based on title and abstract, and an analysis of topic compatibility through examination of the full texts. The analysed scientific production from all five continents covers 1995-2023 and was published in 29 journals. As a result of the review, GWT variations due to CC emerged as of global interest and have attracted attention, especially over the past two decades, with a multidisciplinary approach. A general increase in GWTs is noted as a primary effect of CC (especially in urban areas); furthermore, the implications of the temperature increase for contaminants and groundwater-dependent ecosystems were analysed, and various industrial applications for this increase (e.g. geothermy) are evaluated. It’s evident from the review that GWT is vulnerable to CC, and the consequences can be serious and worthy of further investigation.

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