Per and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Groundwater Toolkit

Per and Polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are ubiquitous on our planet and in aquifers. Understanding PFAS transport in aquifers is critical but can be highly uncertain due to unknown or variable source conditions, hydrophobic sorption to solid organic aquifer matter, ionic sorption on mineral surfaces, changing regulatory requirements, and unprecedentedly low drinking water standards. Thus, a PFAS toolkit has been developed to enable decision makers to collect the hydrogeologic data necessary to understand and better predict PFAS transport in aquifers for the purpose of managing water resources. This toolkit has been tested at a significant alluvial aquifer system in the western United States, which provides water for 50,000 people. Here, the toolkit has provided decision makers with the data necessary to optimize water pumping, treatment and distribution systems. The toolkit describes (1) the design and implementation of a sentinel well network to measure and track PFAS concentrations in the alluvial aquifer over time in response to variable pumping conditions, (2) data collection used to empirically derive input parameters for groundwater fate and transport models, which include the collection of paired aquifer matrix and groundwater samples, to measure PFAS distribution coefficients (Kds) and modified borehole dilution tests to measure groundwater flux (Darcy Velocity) and (3) the use of data collection techniques to reduce cross contamination, including PFAS-free, disposable bailers and a triple-rinse decontamination procedure for reusable equipment. The PRAS transport toolkit has the potential to assist decision makers responsible for managing PFAS contaminated aquifers.

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western United States
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