vadose zone

Webinar: PFAS Transport in the Vadose Zone: Implications for MAR (ASR-MAR)

  • artificial recharge
  • vadose zone
  • PFAS
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Webinar: PFAS Transport in the Vadose Zone: Implications for MAR (ASR-MAR)

How to investigate Cemeteries? South African Guidelines

09 Jan 2024
National Hub
Home News How to investigate Cemeteries? South African Guidelines

We receive many queries about the how to investigate cemeteries.
As a quick reference, we herewith make available the latest published South African guidelines that include the engineering geological and hydrogeological aspects.

Combined Use of Environmental and Artificial Tracers to Characterise the Vadose Zone

Water and contaminant transport processes in the vadose zone through preferential flow paths can be understood using environmental and artificial tracer methods. Further improvement in tracer techniques can be achieved by applying numerical modelling techniques of both water and solute transport, accounting for additional information on water movement and the matric potential of the vadose zone. The vadose zone is often ignored as a key component linking the land surface to the groundwater table, even though it acts as a filter that removes or stores potential contaminants.

Vadose Zone Course (UP)

Pretoria, Gauteng
  • vadose zone
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Vadose Zone Course (UP)

Pretoria, Gauteng


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Online Linked-In event
  • vadose zone
  • geotechnical
  • anthropogenic influence
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Online Linked-In event

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World Water Day 2022 Workshop (WRC): Reflecting on the past and embracing the future of groundwater in South Africa

Online Event
  • Managed aquifer recharge
  • implementation
  • social impacts
  • Isotopes
  • vadose zone
  • AI
  • groundwater exploration
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World Water Day 2022 Workshop (WRC): Reflecting on the past and embracing the future of groundwater in South Africa

Online Event


Sponsors / Engagement Partners

Aquifer Vulnerability Assessment Of The Molototsi And Middle Letaba Quaternary Catchments, Limpopo Province, South Africa

The aquifer vulnerability of the Molototsi (B81G) and Middle Letaba (B82D) quaternary catchments was assessed to determine the influence of the vadose zone on the groundwater regime. The aquifer vulnerability was assessed by developing a new method, which evaluates the vadose zone as a pathway for pollutants by using the following four parameters: Recharge, Depth to water table, Soil type (saturated vertical hydraulic conductivity) and Slope (RDSS).

Contributions To The Characterisation Of The Vadose Zone For Hydrogeological Applications

Hydrogeologists have moved past merely investigating for water supply and quantification of sustainable yields. In the 21st century, and with rapid urbanisation and climate change, hydrogeologists are expected to work in cross-disciplinary fields of geochemistry, aquatic biodiversity, surface water – groundwater interaction, groundwater economics, law and management. In addressing important hydrological parameters such as recharge, recharge rates, advection of contaminants and interflow, the role of the vadose zone becomes increasingly important.

Impact of Engineered Tree Plantations on Water Transfer Through the Upper Vadose Zone and Implications on Vertical Groundwater Recharge

The main purpose of this paper is to present a case study where soil moisture and rainfall data were evaluated for engineered tree plantations, to understand the potential impact on vertical groundwater recharge. Soil moisture for probes within the tree plantation root zones and reference sites within the same soil types were evaluated, in context to site rainfall patterns. Water transfer from shallow to deeper soil zones for a dataset of 2 years are presented.