
Source protection zone delineation: Numerical insights on the effect of heterogeneity

Source protection area delineation has evolved over the last decades from fixed radius, analytical and numerical methods which do not consider uncertainty to more complex stochastic numerical approaches where uncertainties are often considered in a Monte Carlo framework. The representation of aquifer heterogeneity in these studies is typically based on a geostatistical representation of hydraulic properties. This presentation compares results from complex stochastic flow and transport simulations, simple homogeneous models, and existing analytical expressions.

Risk-corrected contaminant detection probability of monitoring well networks for flow towards pumping wells in heterogeneous aquifers

A groundwater monitoring network surrounding a pumping well (such as a public water supply) allows for early contaminant detection and mitigation where possible contaminant source locations are often unknown. This numerical study investigates how the contaminant detection probability of a hypothetical sentinel-well monitoring network consisting of one to four monitoring wells is affected by aquifer spatial heterogeneity and dispersion characteristics, where the contaminant source location is randomized. This is achieved through a stochastic framework using a Monte Carlo approach.

Unfolding the spatial heterogeneity of the natural background level of arsenic in groundwater at the mesoscale using data from sites under remediation

The Natural Background Level (NBL) of contaminants in groundwater is typically determined using regional-scale monitoring networks or site-specific studies. However, regional scale values are limited in their ability to capture natural heterogeneities that affect contaminant mobility at smaller scales, potentially leading to local over- or underestimation of the natural contaminant concentration. Conversely, site-specific studies can be expensive and time-consuming, with limited use outside the specified case study.

Upscaling Preferential Flow in Heterogeneous Porous Media from the Laboratory to the Field

ue to public health or environmental concerns, performing tracer tests in the field by injecting pathogenic microorganisms or contaminants of emerging concern into groundwater is not permitted. Therefore, examining the effects of preferential flow processes on these contaminants under controlled saturated conditions must be done in the laboratory, but the resulting transport parameters cannot be directly applied to field-scale groundwater models.

Comparing The Influence Of Aquifer Heterogeneity On Borehole Design, Test Pump Results And Interpretations Between The Primary Cape Flats And Atlantis Aquifers Of The Western Cape, South Africa.

The recent Western Cape drought initiated large scale development of the Cape Flats Aquifer (CFA) and refurbishment of the Atlantis Water Resource Management Scheme (AWRMS). Both aquifers are comprised of primary sediments of the Sandveld Group. Lithologies and depositional environments of the two aquifers are often directly compared and linked, but recent borehole drilling in these two aquifers is highlighting their inherent differences.