Researching Fracking in the Karoo: Summary of lessons learned

Research on Fracking in the Karoo basin yielded results that, if not considered “unexpected”, can be considered as “should have been foreseen”. Some aspects substantially impacting research on fracking are often overlooked when undertaking scientific research on an emotional topic such as fracking. This presentation aims to provide insights and recommendations based on the experiences and outcomes of current research on hydraulic fracturing or “fracking” in the Karoo basin of South Africa. Fracking has been a subject of significant research and debate over the past decade. Topics, each with its challenges, include 1) The scale of exploration/production extent (Site specifics), 2) Importance of robust and independent research, 3) Need for stakeholder engagement and participation, 4) The complexity of environmental risks and impacts, 5) The need for a precautionary approach, 6) Regulatory and policy challenges. Several methodologies can be relied upon to compare outcomes of different aspects of fracking research in the Karoo, such as 1) Comparative analysis, 2) Meta-analysis, 3) Stakeholder mapping and analysis and 4) Data visualisation. A combination of these methodologies can be used to compare outcomes of different aspects of fracking research in the Karoo and provide insights and recommendations for future decision-making and planning. Ultimately, the decision to allow Fracking should be based on a balanced assessment of potential risks and benefits, considering long-term impacts on the environment, economy, and communities.

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