A changing environment focussing on drought

The western part of South Africa is experiencing a prolonged drought. In many cases, the effects of drought have been noticed since 2011, putting the western part of the Northern Cape under severe stress to provide water to the communities. In the past 10 years, rainfall has also decreased, and in most cases, the catchments did not receive rain to help with the recharge of groundwater. Various lessons were learned from the change in the climate and environment. But a lot can be done to minimise the impact of these changes on the water supply to communities. This paper addresses what we are noticing in the environment that impacts the way we think groundwater behaves. The changes include the change in rainfall: patterns, lines, and type of rainfall. The collapsing of boreholes with water strikes closing when being over-pumped occurs more often in the last 3 years. Pump test recommendation changes with water level change – deployment output. A combination of the factors mentioned puts more stress on groundwater resources, and a mindset change is needed to give assurance of future supply to the communities.

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