Mapping methodologies

What is in a - groundwater - map?

A map is a symbolic or diagrammatic representation of an area of land or sea, showing physical features and the relationship between these elements. It often reduces a three-dimensional world to two dimensions. Maps are generally static – fixed to paper or some other medium. Maps are produced for different reasons, leading to different types of maps, e.g., roadmaps, topo-cadastral maps and the groundwater maps – with the latter the topic of this article. There is a lot of work going into maps.

AI_GEO software platform for regional groundwater potential mapping

Delineation of groundwater resources of a given area is importance for management of groundwater resources. This is often done manually by combining various geo-scientific datasets in Geographic Information System (GIS) environment, which is time consuming and is prone to subjective bias and also suffers from other human induced uncertainties and difficult to cope with increasing volumes of data. The explosive growth of data leading to ‘rich data, but poor knowledge’ dilemma yet we have challenges to be solved.