groundwater budget

Sustainable Groundwater Development Perspectives: Differences in sustaining individual abstraction rates based on test pumping data analysis with recharge based firm yield estimations for an aquifer or localised area.

As populations, agricultural and industrial demands grow with time, increasing attention is placed on developing groundwater resources in a sustainable manner. At the small, local scale, this tends to involve exploration (scientific and otherwise) and test pumping (also subject to more and less scientific methods).

Hydrogeological modeling of a coastal wetland: The development of a steady-state numerical groundwater flow model for Rietvlei Wetland, Cape Town

The Rietvlei Wetland, located in the Western Cape of South Africa is well recognised for harbouring numerous bird species, and is ranked the 6th most important coastal wetland in the South-western Cape. Researchers perceive that the wetland could be threatened by the growing drought hazards, and increased water demand in Cape Town. The extent of the effects is however unquantified and unknown.