Water impact assessment of water stewardship activities at catchment scale: the case of the Lido Catchment in West Java, Indonesia

Water stewardship is achieved through a stakeholder’s inclusive process. It aims to guarantee long-term water security for all uses, including nature. Various actions can occur in the watershed’s recharge area, such as land cover restoration and artificial recharges. To measure the effectiveness of these actions, it is crucial to quantify their impact on water and communities. The common method for assessing the benefits of water stewardship activities is the volumetric water benefit accounting (VWBA) method. It allows for comparing the positive impact on water to the extracted groundwater volume for operations. We present the validation of the Positive Water Impact of DANONE Aqua operation at the Lido Site in West Java, Indonesia, within the VWBA framework. Different methods were used to evaluate three main water impact activities: (1) land cover restoration with reforestation, (2) artificial recharge with infiltration trenches and wells, and (3) water access. The curve number of the SWAT model was used to measure the reduced runoff impact of the land conservation action. The water table fluctuation method was employed to assess artificial recharge volume. The volume of pump discharge rates was used for water access. Results highlight the water impact at the Lido site, with the volumetric accounting of the three main activities. The discrepancy in the final calculation can be related to the variation in the field’s validated activities. VWBA framework is useful to validate water stewardship activities’ impact and plan further impactful actions.

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