Selling the invisible: Communicating the Groundwater Message

As we look at the legislation set out in the driving policies and its guiding frameworks, the need for able institutions to implement strategies that promise and deliver social growth and development, are highlighted. It is only possible to define an 'able institution' through its ability to fulfil its function and enable stakeholders to be part of the decision-making process. (Goldin, 2013) It is this relationship with the collection of stakeholders, in particular strategic water resource stakeholders, their linkages as well as the identification of specific stakeholder issues, that are critically reviewed. The recent Groundwater Strategy (2010) identified key strategic issues/themes. Each chapter listed a number of well thought out recommended actions that address specific challenges in each theme. It is the need for strategic direction (to put these strategies in place "plans into action") and to articulate the specific vision in the right context to the different stakeholders, (internal as well as external) that requires thinking. It is also the uptake of this information by publics (social action and intervention) and the impact of new learning that will need to be measured. This paper will present on a study where the groundwater sector and all its stakeholders are strategically examined to understand the process of communal thinking in the current environmental conditions. It would draw from current communication practices, style, strengths, sector experiences and trends and also reference specific and unique experiences as with the recent WRC Hydrogeological Heritage Overview: Pretoria project. {List only- not presented}

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Elanda P
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