Development and testing of a hydrogeological multilevel sampling device and analysis of water chemistry through hydrochemical parameters

This study investigates and elaborates the development and testing of a multilevel sampling device. The primary purpose of this device is to achieve multilevel sampling in a well simultaneously, producing samples that are representative of the in situ groundwater. The device has been designed to have four different depths from which extraction of groundwater samples can be performed. Testing of the device involves a two-part process. A laboratory based testing and field based testing. The laboratory testing was done in a simulated well where three water tests were performed; normal tap water, salt water and hot boiling water. The field based testing was done on existing boreholes in the Rietvlei Wetland Reserve in the Western Cape. In the two processes involved, hydrochemical parameters were used to test for the efficiency of the device in terms of its working performance and to furthermore analyse the water chemistry which enables us to determine the water quality.

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Western Cape
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