Danish Groundwater Management Approaches In A South African Context

The North-European country Denmark is in many ways different from the Republic of South Africa. Similarities also exist, for example the common ownership of underground resources. In Denmark, like in South Africa, groundwater forms a strategic resource for water utilization, and a coherent management approach is needed in both countries in order to secure a sustainable and balanced use, in which the wishes of different stakeholders are optimized. Denmark is solely depending on the use of groundwater for domestic, industrial and agricultural use. Therefore, an effective management scheme and new technologies have been developed in order to make groundwater assessments, delineating groundwater protection zones, water preservation, leakage detection, well field monitoring systems etc. This expertise forms the basis of the bilateral Strategic Water Sector Cooperation Programme (SSC), initiated in 2015. The programme consists of three main tracks, respectively focusing on urban water services and NRW, groundwater management, and water efficiency in industries. In addition to these, two cross-cutting tracks focus on water sector financing and the potential for research and innovation cooperation. The preliminary findings of the programme indicate that some of the Danish management approaches and technologies can be used in South Africa, either adapted or directly. In exchange, the South African experiences, amongst others, in how to handle drought, may be relevant in a future Danish context, where extreme weather situations, induced by climate change, is to be expected. 

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