The impact of storage and hydrogeological conditions on the design and recovery performance of small-scale urban ASR systems

Aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) can play a vital role in sustaining water availability to cope with increasing weather extremes. In urban areas, ASR systems may provide flooding risk mitigation and support urban greenery. However, such systems are often relatively small and therefore, their recovery performance depends more strongly on site-specific storage conditions such as dispersion and displacement by ambient groundwater flow. In this study, we evaluated the impact of these factors by adapting and developing analytical solutions and numerical modelling, with recently established Urban ASR systems as a reference for a wide range of realistic field conditions. We validated the accuracy and usefulness of the analytical solutions for performance anticipation. Results showed that a simple, analytically derived formula describing dispersion losses solely based on the dispersion coefficient (α) and the hydraulic radius of the injected volume (Rh) provided a very good match for all conditions tested where α/Rh<0.2. An expansion of the formula to include the development of recovery efficiency with subsequent cycles (i) was also derived and in keeping with simulation results. Also, displacement losses were found to be significant at groundwater flow velocities that are typically considered negligible, particularly as displacement and dispersion losses disproportionally enforced each other. For specific conditions where the displacement losses are dominant, using a downgradient abstraction well, effectively resulting in an ASTR system, might be beneficial to increase recovery efficiencies despite increased construction costs and design uncertainty.

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The Netherlands
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