Water Quality of Cape Town Aquifers – The WWQA African Use Case

Globally, rivers, lakes and groundwater face complex anthropogenic water quality alterations posing risks to human health, food security and ecosystems. The World Water Quality Alliance (WWQA) forms an open, global consortium, pooling expertise on water quality science and technology innovation and providing a participatory platform for water quality assessments and co-designing tailored and demand-driven services. It addresses priority topics relevant to water governance, scalable water solutions and emerging issues in water management. The African Use Cases provided an initial testbed that puts the quality of surface water and groundwater into the context of the local 2030 Agenda and its multiple linkages across the Sustainable Development Goals. Central to the initial Africa Use Cases was the integration of in-situ, remote sensing-based earth observation and modelling data to derive the best possible current state of water quality (baseline). Of the three African Use Cases, “Cape Town’s Major Aquifer Systems” focused mainly on groundwater quality in an urban environment. One of the success factors for the Cape Town Aquifer Use Case was the ability of the team to integrate the three different data types of the triangle approach on a sub-catchment scale. This required understanding the complex surface and groundwater systems and their interaction (flow paths and fluxes) in the urban environment. A robust stakeholder engagement process and the introduction of transformative art also drove the success of the Cape Town Use Case. The outcomes of this process will be presented and discussed in this presentation.

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South Africa
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