Balancing qualitative and quantitative issues of the groundwater extraction at the drinking water production site of Velm (Central Belgium)

Recent findings allow a better insight into the interaction between two aquifers and their vulnerabilities at the groundwater extraction site of Velm, which produces drinking water for around 55,000 households. The shallow aquifer that is exploited is situated in the Formation of Hannut. This aquifer is vulnerable to pollution, especially from the agricultural lands close to the extraction site and is sensitive to natural recharge. In this case, the groundwater is captured in a basin via a naturally occurring spring flow. The second aquifer is situated in the Cretaceous at 50 to 100 m below the surface and is pumped by four wells. The drinking water quality is guaranteed by mixing and treating these two waters. To optimize the central decalcification and the pollution risks, the production volume in the deep aquifer was increased from 2017 to 2021 at the expense of the shallow aquifer. This led to a decrease in the available volumes of the shallow aquifer, which indicated a leakage from the shallow to the deeper aquifer, which was unexpected. Groundwater modelling and time series analysis have been used to assess the impact of the increased production volumes and the longer dry periods. Based on this data, a maximum production volume of 1,000,000 m3 /year is considered best for the cretaceous aquifer. With this extraction rate in the Cretaceous, it is possible to supply sufficient drinking water and limit the impact on the Formation of Hannut.

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Van den Broeck
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