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11 Feb 2021
  • Groundwater
  • Geology
  • Geohydrology
SACNASP CPD EVENT Talk Abstract: Science is a living document; it grows and expands as more information becomes available and our knowledge grows. It makes use of hypotheses, experiments, observations, and measurements. Groundwater scientists have a difficult task. They work in a system that is not visible, and they cannot take it into a laboratory to study.
Groundwater Management
11 Feb 2021
  • Groundwater
Let us Talk about It! Groundwater management at local level. Groundwater in communities. Groundwater and its users. We are planning a Groundwater TalkShop. Come Share & Discuss & Build bridges to new shared insights! Email us your NAME & TALK THEME to add you to the List.
Selection of small water treatment
10 Feb 2021
  • Water treatment
SACNASP CPD EVENT Talk Abstract: Small water treatment plants are defined as water treatment systems that have to be installed in areas that are not adequately serviced and do not normally fall within the confines of urban areas. They are therefore mostly used in rural and peri-urban areas and include chlorination plants for water supplies from boreholes and springs, small treatment systems for rural communities, treatment plants of small municipalities, and treatment plants for establishments such as rural hospitals, schools, clinics, forestry stations, etc. Most of these applications require small plants of less than 2.5 ML/d (although plants of up to 25 ML/d may sometimes also fall into this category).
 Impacts of Climate Change
27 Aug 2020
  • Groundwater
  • Climate change
SACNASP CPD EVENT TALK ABSTRACT It’s commonly accepted that climate change will be experienced through water, particularly in developing countries. Several studies relating to the impacts of climate change on surface water have been undertaken while very little research exists on the potential impacts on groundwater.