
Event Debrief: Talk on Groundwater Development (GWD YP Committee)

02 Aug 2021
Home News Event Debrief: Talk on Groundwater Development (GWD YP Committee)

Moderators: Oudi Modisha and Awodwa Magingi

This Webinar - organised by the Young Professional Committee, GWConfEx2021 - focused on the development of groundwater resources including the status of groundwater in South Africa, major technical and social challenges within the industry and ways to address these challenges.

Hydrogeological assessment for sourcing regionally significant freshwater supplies in southern Malawi

Communities in the Lower Shire River Valley in the Chikwawa District of southern Malawi face extreme development challenges due to highly variable climate, including floods and droughts, that trap them in poverty and food insecurity. The area has been the focus of numerous studies and data collection campaigns to understand better the causes and processes associated with brackish groundwater (in alluvial aquifers) and dry boreholes.

Hydrogeology Of Cedarville Flat Primary Aquifer

POSTER The study focuses on the primary aquifer in the Cedarville flats. Groundwater extracted from the aquifer is the primary source for domestic and agricultural purposes for farmers and the community in the Cedarville area. The aim of the study is to develop a conceptual hydrogeological model of the primary aquifer in Cedarville flats which may be used as an input to a groundwater flow model that will predict the behaviour of the aquifer. The main objectives of the research are:

Development Of The Evander Goldfields 3-D Mine Void Model

POSTER The Evander Goldfield basin has been mined since the early 1950s at depths between 400 and 2 000 m below ground and is detached from the larger Witwatersrand basin. The assessment and prediction of mine water rebound has become increasingly important for the gold mining industry in the Witwatersrand basin as more mine shafts mothballs and dewatering ceases.

Can Groundwater Sustain The Future Development Of Rural Zimbabwe?

Zimbabwe occupies a tectonically stable plateau underlain by ancient Precambrian crystalline basement rocks. These  form a central craton bounded by east-west trending mobile belts; the Zambezi mobile belt to the north and the Limpopo mobile belt to the south. Zimbabwe receives generally low and variable quantities of seasonal rainfall within a semi-arid to savannah type climate characterised by moderate to high temperatures.

Implementation Of Protection Zoning

Currently limited progress is made in South Africa (and Africa) on the protection of groundwater quality. To achieve the objective of water for growth and development and to provide socio- economic and environmental benefits of communities using groundwater, significant aquifers and well-fields must be adequately protected. Groundwater protection zoning is seen as an important step in this regard. Till today, only one case study of groundwater protection zoning exists in Africa.

Sustainable Groundwater Development Perspectives: Differences in sustaining individual abstraction rates based on test pumping data analysis with recharge based firm yield estimations for an aquifer or localised area.

As populations, agricultural and industrial demands grow with time, increasing attention is placed on developing groundwater resources in a sustainable manner. At the small, local scale, this tends to involve exploration (scientific and otherwise) and test pumping (also subject to more and less scientific methods).

Suitability Of Groundwater In The Bushveld Igneous Complex: With Reference To Boreholes In The Residential And Farming Areas

South Africa is generally a dry country, it receives an average rainfall of approximately 500 mm/a, which is below the global average rainfall of 860mm/a. The annual average temperature in the study area was 25?C from 1995 to 2016. South Africa has made an improvement since 1994 with supplying domestic water of suitable standards, communities in rural areas, mostly have groundwater as the best option for satisfying their water demands.

Why is groundwater a Cinderella Water Resource?

For years hydrogeologists have bemoaned the fact the groundwater is often pushed aside in favour of surface water resources being developed for water supply purposes. This is despite the advantages of groundwater being less vulnerable to the impact of drought, generally significantly cheaper to develop and being ubiquitous in character.

Saline Groundwater Generation From Paleo-Termite Mounds In The Buffels River Valley, South Africa

Saline groundwater in semi-arid to arid areas is typically ascribed to evaporative concentration of salts on or near the surface followed by dissolution of salts during episodic rainfall events and then percolation of saline downwards. This has been previously postulated for large parts of the west coast of South Africa where groundwater electrical conductivity (EC) ranges between 804 ?S/cm and 21 300 ?S/cm.