Water treatment

Maximising groundwater value through innovation and technology - the power of membranes

The SADC region has vast potential to alleviate water scarcity and promote growth through the responsible development of groundwater resources. To achieve this, it is crucial to understand the resource’s value, implement sustainable abstraction programs, protect its quality, optimize its usage for regional development, and implement innovative aquifer management programs, including artificial recharge. Greenchain Group is a water treatment company that recognizes the value of water and strategically deploys its expertise to maximize the potential of each drop.

Community Involvement In Groundwater Management In The Western Cape: The Sandveld Case Study

Groundwater  is  a  reliable  freshwater  resource.  Its  location   underground  prevents  it  from evaporative  forces.  Thus  it  serves  as  storage  of  most  of  the  world’s  liquid  fresh  water.  Being enclosed in the ground it is not also easily contaminated. Since groundwater can be used wherever it exists without costly treatments, there is over-dependence on the resource.

Groundwater Contamination In The Cape Flats

Groundwater is the water that is found beneath the surface of the ground in a saturated zone (Bear 1979). Groundwater contamination refers to the groundwater that has been polluted commonly by human activities to the extent that it has higher concentrations of dissolved or suspended constituents. The scale of the potential supply of groundwater from the Cape Flats Aquifer Unit (CFAU) is very significant due to the increase of the population in Cape Town that leads to limited water resources (Maclear 1995).

Event Debrief: Selection of small water treatment systems for potable water supply to small communities (GWD ECAPE)

10 Feb 2021
SACNASP CPD EVENT Talk Abstract: Small water treatment plants are defined as water treatment systems that have to be installed in areas that are not adequately serviced and do not normally fall within the confines of urban areas. They are therefore mostly used in rural and peri-urban areas and include chlorination plants for water supplies from boreholes and springs, small treatment systems for rural communities, treatment plants of small municipalities, and treatment plants for establishments such as rural hospitals, schools, clinics, forestry stations, etc. Most of these applications require small plants of less than 2.5 ML/d (although plants of up to 25 ML/d may sometimes also fall into this category).
Home News Event Debrief: Selection of small water treatment systems for potable water supply to small communities (GWD ECAPE)
SACNASP CPD EVENT Talk Abstract: Small water treatment plants are defined as water treatment systems that have to be installed in areas that are not adequately serviced and do not normally fall within the confines of urban areas. They are therefore mostly used in rural and peri-urban areas and include chlorination plants for water supplies from boreholes and springs, small treatment systems for rural communities, treatment plants of small municipalities, and treatment plants for establishments such as rural hospitals, schools, clinics, forestry stations, etc. Most of these applications require small plants of less than 2.5 ML/d (although plants of up to 25 ML/d may sometimes also fall into this category).

Selection of small water treatment systems for potable water supply to small communities (GWD ECAPE)

  • Water treatment
  • Plants
  • Water supply

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Selection of small water treatment systems for potable water supply to small communities (GWD ECAPE)
