Assessing groundwater dependence of wetlands and streams within the Table Mountain Group Aquifer: A Case Study from the Kogelberg

Ewart Smith, J; Snaddon, K; de Beer, J; Murray, K; Harillal, Z; Frenzel, P; Lasher-Scheepers, C

Various analysis techniques are available for assessing the groundwater dependence of ecosystems. Hydrogeological monitoring within the Kogelberg and greater Table Mountain Group (TMG) aquifer has provided various datasets from multiple scientific disciplines (hydrological, hydrogeological, geochemical, climatic, ecological and botanical). Using a variety of analysis techniques, and using the Kogelberg as a case study, this paper assesses the groundwater dependence of several ecological sites (wetlands and streams). The starting point is a sound geological and hydrogeological conceptualisation of the site. The approach involves conceptualisation and analysis within each scientific discipline, but also requires bridging between areas of specialisation and analysis of a variety of datasets. This paper presents the data and analyses undertaken and the relevant results as they pertain to several sites within the Kogelberg.

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