Geocongress 2023 - Calling for Abstracts
Geocongress 2023 (organised by the GSSA and Stellenbosch University)
Abstract submissions are now open for Geocongress 2023 at Stellenbosch University between the 11-13 January 2023.
CALLING FOR ABSTRACTS closing date for submissions is the 30 September 2022.
SUBMIT VIA: https://allevents.eventsair. com/geocongress/abstracts
There will be a conference session titled "Advances in Southern African Hydrogeology", so groundwater focused abstracts are welcomed:
"Southern Africa is a water stressed region, and both climatic (rising average temperatures, reduced rainfall, increased frequency and magnitude of extreme drought events) and non-climatic (population growth and urbanisation) drivers are placing increasing pressure on regional surface water resources. Groundwater will (and does in some areas already) therefore play an increasingly important role in meeting the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, through providing sustainable water resources for municipal and rural drinking water supply, agricultural irrigation, and mining/industrial activities. This session aims to showcase innovative research and development by the private sector and industry, universities and research institutions, and government agencies across all facets of hydrogeological science in southern Africa, including (but not limited to): aquifer parameter estimation and characterisation, groundwater exploration, hydrogeophysics, wellfield development, hydrochemistry, groundwater contamination and remediation, numerical groundwater modelling, aquifer and groundwater-dependent ecosystem monitoring, and groundwater management."
Warm regards,
Geocongress 2023
Local Organizing Committee