Borehole Yield Test for Groundwater Supply (SADC-GMI)

SADC Groundwater Management Institute will be running a Virtual training course on Borehole Yield Tests for Groundwater supply.
19 Apr 2023 08:00 - 21 Apr 2023 16:00
Training course
  • borehole yield
  • yield-testing
  • sustainable yield
Register for Training Course

Event description

SADC Groundwater Management Institute will be running a Virtual training course on Borehole Yield Tests for Groundwater supply.

About this event

sadc course


Anyone who owns a borehole is interested to know the maximum discharge rate at which they can abstract/pump groundwater in such a way that they can be assured of continuously getting that yield from their borehole. This borehole yield is sometimes referred to as the sustainable borehole yield, reliable yield, and sometimes safe yield. The estimation of borehole yield is based on the principles of aquifer pumping tests. To estimate borehole sustainable yield, an appropriate aquifer pumping test should be conducted and the data should be analyzed using appropriate methods taking into consideration the capacity of the aquifer system and groundwater needs among other factors.

The components of the training workshop are therefore designed to cover the principles of designing, planning, and performing borehole yield tests and the analysis of drawdown data. Making use of data from real-life case studies, the facilitator will take the participants through processing and analysis of the data to understand flow characteristics and estimate the borehole yield.

Who should attend:

Hydrogeologists, Geohydrologists, Groundwater Consultants, Groundwater Scientists, WASH practitioners, Water supply Engineers, Hydrologists, Environmental practitioners, Water Use Practitioners, Pumping Test Technicians/ Data Collection Specialists

sadc benefitsModreck

Register for the course via log-in on:
For more information pertaining the course send an e-mail to [email protected]

Borehole Yield Test for Groundwater Supply (SADC-GMI)

19 Apr 2023 08:00 - 21 Apr 2023 16:00
Training course

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