Petroleum Hydrocarbon Contamination In Soil And Groundwater: Case Study On The Coastal Tank Farm, Southern Africa

In this study, a petroleum hydrocarbon contamination assessment was conducted at a cluster of petroleum products storage and handling facilities located on the Southern African Indian Ocean coastal zone. The Port Development Company identified the need for the assessment of the soil and groundwater pollution status at the tank farms in order to develop a remediation and management plan to address hydrocarbon related soil and groundwater contamination. Previous work conducted at the site consisted of the drilling and sampling of a limited number of boreholes. The current investigation was triggered by the presence of a free-phase product in the coal-grading tippler pit located ~350 m down gradient and south-east and east of the tank farms, rendering the operation thereof  unsafe.  The  assessment  intended  identifying  the  source  of  product,  distribution  and mobility, the extent of the contamination, and the human health risks associated with the contamination. To achieve these, the investigation comprised site walkover and interviews, drilling of 76 hand auger and 101 direct push holes to facilitate vertical soil profile VOC screening and sampling  (soil  and  groundwater),  as  well  as  granulomeric  analysis  to  understand   grain   size distribution  within  the  soil  profile.  The  highest  concentrations  were  associated with the coarse sand layers with the highest permeability. Free-phase hydrocarbons product was found in holes adjacent to the pipeline responsible for the distribution of the product from the jetty to the different tanks farms. Of the 57 soil samples, 21 had high values of GRO and DRO, with 22 below Detection Limit and 14 can be described having traces of hydrocarbon. Both TAME and MTBE were detected in most of the water samples, including from wells located far down gradient. The groundwater sink, adjacent to the pipeline running from west to east, resulted in the limited lateral spread of MBTE in this area, with limited movement towards the sea. The depth of the soil contamination varies over the sites. Based on the site  assessment  results  it  was  concluded  that  most  of  the groundwater contamination, which is a mixture of different product types, is associated with the pipeline responsible for transporting product from the jetty to the different petroleum companies.

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The Coastal Tank Farm, Southern Africa
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