GWD YP Talk: Wetlands - A Friendly Introduction (Central Branch)

Inviting all Members & prospective Members in Celebrating World Wetlands Day (2 February) with the GWD Central Branch and invited speaker Steven Ellery.
02 Feb 2023 18:00 - 02 Feb 2023 19:00
  • Wetlands
  • World Wetlands Day
  • Young Professionals
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Inviting all Members & prospective Members in Celebrating World Wetlands Day (2 February) with the GWD Central Branch and invited speaker Steven Ellery.


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Steven Ellery

Wetland Ecologist

I have an extreme passion for both the environment and humanity and I am very interested in how both work and how they interact with one another. I have worked in hydrology, geomorphology, geology, wetland sciences, environmental management practices, botany (ecology and climate change) and anthropology. I would love very much to continue working in a field that balances both the needs of the environment and the needs of society.


Rolene Lubbe

GWD Young Professionals Central Branch Representative

Environmental Specialist; Geohydrologist & PhD student (Institute for Groundwater Studies)
I am a qualified Geohydrologist and Environmental Consultant specializing in Geohydrological Impact Assessments with respect to Quality Sampling, Geophysics and Groundwater Modelling - FEFLOW & MODFLOW.My passion is in Environmental Conservation focusing in groundwater conservation and protection of water resources.


Dr Amy Allwright

GWD Central Branch Chair 2022/2023

Amy is a geohydrologist, groundwater modeller and researcher from the Institute for Groundwater Studies (IGS), University of the Free State, South Africa. Amy has a strong background in geology and chemistry. She currently gives lectures on groundwater modelling at the University of the Free State and has worked on a number of modelling projects as both a consultant and through the Institute.

GWD YP Talk: Wetlands - A Friendly Introduction (Central Branch)

02 Feb 2023 18:00 - 02 Feb 2023 19:00


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