Conference Abstracts

All Abstracts were presented at the Groundwater Conferences

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One-third of the world faces water insecurity, and freshwater resources in coastal regions are under enormous stress due to population growth, pollution, climate change and political conflicts. Meanwhile, several aquifers in coastal regions extending offshore remain unexplored. Interdisciplinary researchers from 33 countries joined their effort to understand better if and how offshore freshened groundwater (OFG) can be used as a source of potable water. This scientific network intends to 1) estimate where OFG is present and in which volumes, 2) delineate the most appropriate approaches to characterise it, and 3) investigate the legal implications of sustainable exploitation of the offshore extension of transboundary aquifers. Besides identifying the environmental impact of OFG pumping, the network will review existing policies for onshore aquifers to outline recommendations for policies, action plans, protocols and legislation for OFG exploitation at the local to international levels. Experienced and early-career scientists and stakeholders from diverse disciplines carry out these activities. The Action leads activities to foster cross-disciplinary and intersectoral collaboration and provides high-quality training and funded scientific exchange missions to develop a pool of experts to address future scientific, societal, and legal challenges related to OFG. This interaction will foster new ideas and concepts that will lead to OFG characterisation and utilisation breakthroughs, translate into future market applications, and deliver recommendations to support effective water resource management. The first exchange mission explored the Gela platform carbonate reservoir (Sicily), built a preliminary 3D geometrical model, and identified the location of freshened groundwater


Water scarcity is a global challenge, particular in South Africa, which is a semi-arid country. Due to the continuing drought, appropriate groundwater management is of great importance. The use of groundwater has increased significantly over the years and has become a much more prominent augmentation component to the supply chain especially in rural communities. However, the approach used to develop groundwater resources, specifically in rural areas, can be improved in numinous ways to ensure drilling of successful boreholes that could meet water demands. A recent study done in the Thaba Nchu area focused on an adapted approach, which resulted in drilling successful boreholes that would be able to sustain their augmentation role in the long term. The adapted approach involves (i) a hydro-census that includes local knowledge and focused field observations, (ii) study of aerial photographs and geological maps on a regional scale, rather than on a village scale area, (iii) an optimised geophysical investigation to identify and map geological structures to drill production boreholes, (iv) conducting aquifer pump test to determine an optimum sustainable yield, (v) collecting water samples to determine if water quality is suitable for its specific use (vi) providing a monitoring program and abstraction schedule for each borehole. The adapted approach highlights the following improvements: (i) drilling of new production boreholes during times of bounty to allow for better time management on the project; (ii) including an experienced geohydrologist during planning phases, (iii) including a social component focussing on educating local communities on the importance of groundwater and introducing them to the concept of citizen's science, (iv) establishing a communication channel through which villagers can report any mechanical, electrical, quantity or quality issues for timeous intervention. Through applying these small changes to established components of development of groundwater resources, budgets and time management were optimised and additional communities could be added to the project without additional costs. This approach not only emphasised ways to improve the awareness and potential of groundwater resources, but also affects the economical-, social- and environmental welfare in rural communities.


Faced with a burgeoning population and property growth, and in preparation for a future drier climate regime; the coastal town of Hermanus in the Western Cape has set up two wellfields to abstract groundwater from the underlying aquifer in order to augment the constrained surface water supply from the De Bos Dam.
Water Use Licences (WUL) were issued to the Overstrand Municipality in June 2011 and December 2013. The licences authorise a maximum annual abstraction of 1 600 Ml of water from the Gateway wellfield and 800 Ml of water from the Volmoed and Camphill wellfield via several boreholes. The water abstracted from the Gateway wellfield is pumped via a booster pump station to the Preekstoel Treatment Plant. The Volmoed and Camphill wellfield are situated at a higher altitude allowing for a gravity feed pipeline.
Earth Science Company, Umvoto Africa, has the responsibility to ensure Resource Quality Objectives are met which include balancing the need to protect the resource on the one hand; and the to develop sustainable utilisation of the Hermanus groundwater resources and compliance with the WUL on the other. The consultancy provides hydrogeological support, wellfield management and technical advice in operating the boreholes, pumps, boosters and related infrastructures.
Running the operations of the wellfield relies on a high-tech, semi-automated system, incorporating a remotely controlled, telemetry based structure. Vital parameters are monitored by electronic sensors, feeding data to processors which alters pump performance to maintain specified boundary levels. Data is simultaneously communicated via telemetry to a central control which uses data acquisition software to portray information to the operators. Warning alarms both alert operators via SMS and in certain instances auto-shut down the system.
To ensure ecological sustainability of the ground water resource, the wellfield also requires hydrogeological monitoring at far field locations within the recharge areas. Some of these locations are in remote areas making data download costly. The high-tech telemetry approach is used with positive results.
Any automated telemetry system is prone to malfunction and environmental hazards. The challenge lies in managing this and providing sufficient back up and duplication of systems.
The paper gives an overview of the components and flow of data based on the experiences gained during the evolution and development over 12 years of operation. Automation produces vast data bases which are often not sufficiently analysed, the premise that "once collected, the task is done". However data is only as good as the people who drive the systems and this paper provides a critical analysis of human intervention in an automated system and the decisive role of quality-checks. Finally the paper seeks to provide a pragmatic guideline for water users to comply with the WUL and institutional regulations.


This study explores some of the principle issues associated with quantifying surface and groundwater interactions and the practical application of models in a data scarce region such as South Africa. The linkages between the various interdependent components of the water cycle are not well understood, especially in those regions that suffer problems of data scarcity and there remain urgent requirements for regional water resource assessments. Hydrology (both surface and groundwater hydrology) is a difficult science; it aims to represent highly variable and non-stationary processes which occur in catchment systems, many of which are unable to be measured at the scales of interest (Beven, 2012). The conceptual representations of these processes are translated into mathematical form in a model. Different process interpretations together with different mathematical representations results in the development of diverse model structures. These structural uncertainties are difficult to resolve due to the lack of relevant data. Further uncertainty is introduced when parameterising a model, as the more complex the model, the greater the possibility that many different parameter sets within the model structure might give equally acceptable results when compared with observations. Incomplete and often flawed input data are then used to drive the models and generate quantitative information. Approximate implementations (model structures and parameter sets), driven by approximate input data will necessarily produce approximate results. Most model developers aim to represent reality as far as possible, and as our understanding of hydrological processes has improved, models have tended to become more complex. Beven (2002) highlighted the need for a better philosophy toward modelling than just a more explicit representation of reality and argues that the true level of uncertainty in model predictions is not widely appreciated. Model testing has limited power as it is difficult to differentiate between the uncertainties within different model structures, different sets of alternative parameter values and in the input data used to run a model. A number of South African case studies are used to examine the types of data typically available and explore the extent to which a model is able to be validated considering the difficulty in differentiating between the various sources of uncertainty. While it is difficult to separate input data, parameter and structural uncertainty, the study found that it should be possible to at least partly identify the uncertainty by a careful examination of the evidence for specific processes compared with the conceptual structure of a specific model. While the lack of appropriate data means there will always be considerable uncertainty surrounding model validation, it can be argued that improved process understanding in an environment can be used to validate model outcomes to a degree, by assessing whether a model is getting the right results for the right reasons.


Water resources worldwide are stressed, and the number of groundwater professionals required to manage those resources is not being generated in sufficient numbers. Groundwater educational resources must be placed in schools to generate excitement and raise awareness. Additionally, people entering the workforce need training throughout their professional careers. Oklahoma State University partnered with the U.S. National Ground Water Association to develop a framework for providing education and training programs in groundwater that allow for interactive online education at all levels. The Awesome Aquifer 360 program targets grades 5-8, allowing students to conceptually explore aquifers and the people who manage them. The Drilling Basics Online program provides a 40-hour basic safety and drilling training to recruit professionals into the groundwater industry and reinforce safe operations. These programs and future plans for the technique will be discussed.


Groundwater in South Africa is the most important source of potable water for rural communities, farms and towns. Supplying sufficient water to communities in South Africa becomes a difficult task. This is especially true in the semi-arid and arid central regions of South Africa where surface water resources are limited or absent and the communities are only depended on groundwater resources. Due to a growing population, surface water resources are almost entirely being exploited to their limits. These factors, therefore, increases the demand for groundwater resources and a more efficient management plan for water usage. For these reasons, the relation between the geology and geohydrology of South Africa becomes an important tool in locating groundwater resources that can provide sustainable quantities of water for South Africans. It was therefore decided to compile a document that provides valuable geohydrological information on the geological formations of the whole of South Africa. The information was gathered by means of interviews with experienced South African geohydrologists and reviewing of reports and articles of geohydrological studies. After gathering the relevant information, each major geological unit of South Africa together with its geohydrological characteristics was discussed separately. These characteristics include rock/aquifer parameters and behaviour, aquifer types (primary of secondary), groundwater quality, borehole yields and expected striking depths, and geological target features and the geophysical method used to locate these targets. Due to the fact that 90 % of South Africa's aquifers are classified as secondary aquifer systems, groundwater occurrence within the rocks of South Africa is mainly controlled by secondary fractures systems; therefore, understanding the geology and geological processes (faulting, folding, intrusive dyke/sills & weathering) responsible for their development and how they relate is important. However, the primary aquifers of South Africa (Coastal Cenozoic Deposits) should not be neglected as these aquifers can produce significant amounts of groundwater, such as the aquifer units of the Sandveld Group, Western Cape Province. Drilling success rates and possibility of striking higher yielding boreholes can be improved dramatically when an evaluation of the structural geology and geohydrological conditions of an area together with a suitable geophysical method is applied. The ability to locate groundwater has been originally considered (even today) a heavenly gift and can be dated back to the Biblical story of Moses striking the rock to get water: "behold, I will stand there before thee there upon the rocks thou shalt smite the rock and there shall come water out of it" (Exodus 17:6).


The 'maintainable aquifer yield' can be defined as a yield that can be maintained indefinitely without mining an aquifer. It is a yield that can be met by a combination of reduced discharge, induced recharge and reduced storage, and results in a new dynamic equilibrium of an aquifer system. It does not directly or solely depend on natural recharge rates. Whether long-term abstraction of the 'maintainable aquifer yield' can be considered sustainable groundwater use should be based on a socio-economic-environmental decision, by relevant stakeholders and authorities, over the conditions at this new dynamic equilibrium.
This description of aquifer yields is well established scientifically and referred to as the Capture Principle, and the link to groundwater use sustainability is also well established. However, implementation of the Capture Principle remains incomplete. Water balance type calculations persist, in which sustainability is linked directly to some portion of recharge, and aquifers with high use compared to recharge are considered stressed or over-allocated. Application of the water balance type approach to sustainability may lead to groundwater being underutilised.
Implementation of the capture principle is hindered because the approach is intertwined with adaptive management: not all information can be known upfront, the future dynamic equilibrium must be estimated, and management decisions updated as more information is available. This is awkward to regulate.
This paper presents a Decision Framework designed to support implementation of the capture principle in groundwater management. The Decision framework combines a collection of various measures. At its centre, it provides an accessible description of the theory underlying the capture principle, and describes the ideal approach for the development operating rules based on a capture principle groundwater assessment. Sustainability indicators are incorporated to guide a groundwater user through the necessary cycles of adaptive management in updating initial estimations of the future dynamic equilibrium. Furthermore, the capture principle approach to sustainable groundwater use requires a socio-economic-environmental decision to be taken by wide relevant stakeholders, and recommendations for a hydrogeologists' contribution to this decision are also provided. Applying the decision framework in several settings highlights that aquifer assessment often lags far behind infrastructure development, and that abstraction often proceeds without an estimation of future impacts, and without qualification of the source of abstracted water, confirming the need for enhanced implementation of the capture principle.


Vapour intrusion (VI) is recognized to drive human health risk at numerous sites that have been contaminated by petroleum products and other volatile contaminants. The risks related to VI are typically evaluated using direct measurement (vapour sampling) or modelling methods. ERM has developed a toolbox approach using a combination of exclusion distance criteria, direct measurement and modelling methods to assess risks and achieve closure. For direct measurement, samples of vapour are taken beneath the floor slab of buildings (sub-slab sampling) or from the air inside the buildings (indoor air sampling). Modelling methods are often used to estimate the partitioning of volatile contaminants from soil or groundwater sources into the vapour phase and the subsequent transport of vapours from the subsurface environment into habitable buildings. A limitation of modelling approaches is that they are designed to be conservative to be adequately protective of sensitive receptors. VI models also do not typically take into account the degradation of hydrocarbon vapours in the presence of oxygen, which has been found to be a significant process for petroleum hydrocarbons. The authors have compiled a dataset of petroleum vapour and groundwater results from over 50 petroleum release sites in southern Africa. These data were used to develop exclusion distance criteria for vapours emitted from contaminated groundwater sources (i.e. distance from the source at which sufficient aerobic attenuation has occurred for the VI risk to be negligible). A standard "lines of evidence" approach has been applied to the assessment of VI risk by firstly applying the exclusion distance criteria to sites with groundwater contaminant plumes beneath buildings, and if these are met, the sites are considered to have no unacceptable VI risk. Where exclusion screening criteria are not met, risk is estimated using modelling, and if a potential risk is predicted, then direct sub-slab measurements are taken to more accurately assess the risk. Lastly, where sub-slab assessment predicts a potential VI risk, indoor vapour measurement are taken to evaluate actual risk, taking into account interferences from other sources and background levels of contaminants. Mitigating measures can then be applied as appropriate. Various case studies will be presented including direct measurements at industrial and residential sites overlying contaminant plumes and modelling methods at residential properties adjacent to service station sites. A risk-based approach to the assessment of contaminated land provides a sustainable and cost effective methodology, and also avoids unnecessary remediation. The results show that VI risks can be adequately addressed with a toolbox approach using multiple lines of evidence.


When conducting water quality monitoring, questions arise on which water quality guidelines to use and where to apply them. For example, the use of South African Water Quality Guidelines (SAWQG) for Domestic usage compared to the use of the South African National Standards (SANS) for Potable Water Quality when monitoring drinking water quality. The World Heath Organization (WHO) published a set of water quality guidelines for drinking water which can also be used instead of SANS. Using various water quality guidelines to assess water quality can give different outcomes on the state of water quality of a particular site. For example, SANS water quality guidelines are less strict when compared to the SAWQG target values, however, SAWQG are comprised of different sets of standards for different usages. SAWQG distinguish between drinking water, livestock and irrigation, aquatic systems and industrial usage while SANS are only used for potable or bottled water. The International Finance Corporation (IFC) that is part of the World Bank Group published the Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines for Environmental Wastewater and Ambient Water Quality, guidelines set specifically for wastewater and ambient water quality. Utilizing this poster, I will explain when to use which guidelines with different types of water samples. I will also discuss the stringent water use license limits applied at some sites compared to the national standards of South Africa.


Huixian Karst National Wetland Park is the most typical karst wetland in the middle and low latitudes of the world and has become an internationally important wetland. The relationship between water quality and aquatic organisms in Huixian Wetland is a hot research topic in wetland ecology. This article focuses on the relationship between the current water quality situation in Guilin Huixian Karst Wetland and the growth of wetland plants. Sixteen sampling points are set up in the wetland to monitor and analyze water quality in wet, normal, and dry seasons. The Kriging index interpolation method is used to obtain a comprehensive water quality interpolation map in the survey area during normal water periods and in combination with the wetland plant survey sample data and the landscape status. A comprehensive analysis of the relationship between wetland plant growth and water quality. The results show that the centre of Huixian Wetland receives recharge from surrounding groundwater, which is greatly affected by the surrounding water quality. The comprehensive water quality is relatively good in the dry season, relatively poor in the normal season, and the worst in the wet season. Agricultural production, non-point source pollution, rural domestic sewage, and human interference affect wetland water quality, which directly affects the structure and function of plant communities and the ecological service function of wetlands.


Underground coal gasification (UCG) is a chemical process that converts coal in-situ into a gaseous product at elevated pressures and temperatures. Underground coal gasification produces an underground cavity which may be partially filled with gas, ash, unburned coal and other hydrocarbons. In this study we assessed the stratification down the length of the boreholes. This was done by comparing the Electrical Conductivity (EC) profile of background boreholes to the verification borehole that were drilled after gasification was complete. Stratification was seen in all boreholes including the cavity borehole. The EC levels were lower in the cavity which may be due to the dilution factor induced by injecting surface water during quenching of the gasifier. The thermal gradient shows a steady increase in temperature with depth with higher temperatures measured in the verification boreholes. This increase in temperature may suggest that heat is still being retained in the cavity which is expected. This study serves as the preliminary investigation on the stratification of temperature and EC and will be proceeded with in depth surveys that covers all the groundwater monitoring wells that monitor different aquifers identified on site proceed.


PMWIN5.3 has been one of the most commonly used software for groundwater modeling because of its free source and the adoption of popular core program MODFLOW. However, the fixed formats required for data input and lack of GIS data support have posted big challenges for groundwater modelers who are dealing with large areas with complicated hydrogeological conditions. In South Africa, most geological and hydrogeological data have been captured and stored in GIS format during various national research projects such as WR2005, NGA and etc. Therefore, a proper linkage between PMWIN and ArcGIS is expected to do the preprocessing for modeling in PMWIN. Visual Basic for Application (VBA) embedded in ArcGIS 9.3 was used to develop the linkage. Based on the conceptualization of the study area, the model dimension, discretization and many value setting processes can be easily carried out in ArcGIS other than directly in PMWIN. Then the grid specification file and other input files can be exported as the PMWIN-compatible files. The functions of move, rotation, refinement, sub-model, deleting and inserting row(s) or column(s) of the model have also been developed to avoid the inconvenience aroused from model modification. The linkage can be used with a higher version of PMWIN or ArcGIS. It has been applied to several gold fields in the Witwatersrand gold basin to simulate the groundwater flow and mass transportation for various conditions and scenarios. One of the applications will be presented in this paper. It has been proved that the linkage is efficient and easy to use. {List only- not presented}


This study intent to share the legal and institutional analysis of the UNESCO IHP project "Groundwater Resources Governance in Transboundary Aquifers" (GGRETA) project for the Stampriet Transboundary aquifer. The Intergovernmental Council (IGC) of the UNESCO International Hydrological Programme (IHP) at its 20th Session requested the UNESCO-IHP to continue the Study and Assessment of Transboundary Aquifers and Groundwater Resources and encouraged UNESCO Member States to cooperate on the study of their transboundary aquifers, with the support of the IHP. The GGRETA project includes three case studies: the Trifinio aquifer in Central America, the Pretashkent aquifer in central Asia and the Stampriet aquifer in southern Africa. This study focuses on the Stampriet Transboundary Aquifer System that straddles the border between Botswana, Namibia and South Africa. The Stampriet system is an important strategic resource for the three countries. In Namibia the aquifer is the main source of water supply for agricultural development and urban centers in the region, in Botswana the aquifer supplies settlements and livestock while in South Africa the aquifer supplies livestock ranches and a game reserve. The project methodology is based on UNESCO's Shared Aquifer Resources Management (ISARM) guidelines and their multidisciplinary approach to transboundary aquifers governance and management, addressing hydrogeological, socio-economic, legal, institutional and environmental aspects. The GGRETA builds recognition of the shared nature of the resource, and mutual trust through joint fact finding and science based analysis and diagnostics. This began with collection and processing of legal and institutional data at the national level using a standardized set of variables developed by the International Groundwater Resources Assessment Center (IGRAC). This was followed by harmonization of the national data using common classifications, reference systems, language, formats and derive indicators from the variables. The harmonized data provided the basis for an integrated assessment of the Stampriet transboundary aquifer. The data assisted the case study countries to set priorities for further collaborative work on the aquifer and to reach consensus on the scope and content of multicountry consultation mechanism aimed at improving the sustainable management of the aquifer. The project also includes training for national representatives in international law applied to transboundary aquifers and methodology for improving inter-country cooperation. This methodology has been developed in the framework of UNESCO's Potential Conflict Cooperation Potential (PCCP) program. The on-going study also includes consultation with stakeholders to provide feedback on proposals for multicountry cooperation mechanisms. It is anticipated that upon completion of the study, a joint governance model shall have been drawn amongst the three countries sharing the aquifer to ensure a mutual resource management.


This paper was presented at the GWD Central Branch Symposium, Potchefstroom in 2012

Numerical modelling of hydrogeological systems has progressed significantly with the evolution of technology and the development of a greater understanding of hydrogeology and the underlying mathematical principles. Hydrogeological modelling software can now include complex geological layers and models as well as allow the pinching out of geological features and layers. The effects of a complex geology on the hydraulic parameters determined by numerical modelling is investigated by means of the DHI-WASY FEFLOW and Aranz Geo Leapfrog modelling software packages.

The Campus Test Site (CTS) at the University of the Free State in Bloemfontein, South Africa was selected as the locale to be modelled. Being one of the most studied aquifers in the world, the CTS has had multiple research projects performed on it and as a result ample information is available to construct a hydrogeological model with a high complexity. The CTS consists primarily of stacked fluvial channel deposits of the Lower Beaufort Group, with the main waterstrike located on a bedding-plane fracture in the main sandstone aquifer.

The investigation was performed by creating three distinct hydrogeological models of the CTS, the first consists entirely of simplified geological strata modelled in FEFLOW by means of average layer thicknessand does not include the pinching out of any geological layers. The second model was created to be acopy of the first, however the bedding-plane fracture can pinch out where it is known to not occur. The third and final model consisted of a complex geological model created in Leapfrog Geo which was subsequently exported to FEFLOW for hydrogeological modelling.


Water has been recognized and acknowledged as a fundamental natural resource that sustains environmental diversity, social and economic development (Liu et al., 2017; Fisher et al., 2017). With increasing populations, climate change and limited monitoring networks for both ground and surface water, freshwater resources are becoming difficult to assess due to rapid changes in water supply and uses. Several efforts have been devoted towards the monitoring and management of water resources and discovery of alternative sources of freshwater. One of the more recent efforts is using gravity information to track changes in water storage on the earth's surface. The Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) mission ( holds great potential for assessing our water resources in areas with little monitoring data. The increasing interest in the use of GRACE as a water resource information and monitoring tool, is due to its cost effectiveness and user-friendly system which affords a broad understanding of the world we live in and its processes, specifically in water resource management and hydrological modelling. South Africa's National Water Act (NWA) of 1998 highlights the importance of the sustainable development of water resources. However, it is difficult to sustainably manage South Africa's groundwater resources due to the difficultly in measuring and understanding our complex aquifers. The challenges in establishing sustainable monitoring of groundwater resources and its Reserve, are due to insufficient knowledge about the contribution that groundwater makes to surface water, and methods which reliably monitor groundwater resources. The GRACE is a joint satellite mission by the Deutschen Zentrum fur Luftund Raumfahrt (DLR) in Germany and the United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The satellite was launched on 17 March 2002 and provides monthly temporal differences of earth's gravity field and its mean gravity field (Schmidt et al., 2008). It can afford insights into the location of groundwater resources, and their changes. GRACE can however, only determine the change in total water storage and therefore information on other components of the water balance are required to isolate the groundwater component. Therefore, the integrated Pitman Model is ideal to be applied together with GRACE and the Model can isolate surface water, soil moisture and groundwater into various components. Many studies have evaluated GRACE-derived groundwater storage changes as a response to drought (Famiglietti et al. 2011; Scanlon et al., 2012), while Thomas et al. (2017b) evaluated a groundwater drought index based on GRACE observations in an effort to understand and identify groundwater drought. Typically, GRACE is applied at scales of 150 000 km2, however Thomas et al., (2017) has developed a recent method that allows for the application of his GRACE derived Groundwater Drought Index (GGDI) at smaller scales. This study applies Thomas et al. 2017 GGDI in South Africa to the Crocodile, Sedgefield and Doring catchments, in hopes to to evaluate drought characterisation using data from GRACE satellites, focusing on the total water storage deficits to characterise groundwater drought occurrence.


Industrial Management Facilities represent a hazard to the down gradient surface water and groundwater environment. The assessment of the risks such facilities pose to the water environment is an important issue and certain compliance standards are set by regulators, particularly when the potential for an impact on the water environment has been identified. This paper will aim to describe how the contamination was conceptualized, estimated, limitations and how it is technically not feasible to establish one limit or compliance value of known contamination in different aquifers.


The hydraulic parameters of heterogeneous aquifers are often estimated by conducting pumping (and recovery) tests during which the drawdown in a borehole intersecting the aquifer is measured over time, and by interpreting the data after making a number of assumptions about the aquifer conditions. The interpreted values of the hydraulic parameters are then considered to be average values that represent the properties of the bulk aquifer without taking into account local heterogeneities and anisotropies. An alternative and more economic approach is to measure streaming potentials in the vicinity of the borehole being tested. The streaming potential method is a non-invasive geophysical method that measures electrical signals generated by groundwater flow in the subsurface through a process known as electrokinetic coupling. This method allows data to be recorded at a high spatial density around the borehole. The interpretation of streaming potential data in terms of aquifer hydraulic parameters is facilitated by a coupled flow relationship which links the streaming potential gradient to the hydraulic gradient through a constant of proportionality called the electrokinetic coupling coefficient. In the current study, field measurements of streaming potentials were taken during the pumping and recovery phases of pumping tests conducted at two sites with dissimilar geological and geohydrological conditions. The recorded streaming potential data were interpreted by calculating the hydraulic head gradient from the streaming potential gradient, and by using the potential field analytical solution for the transient mode, which relates the streaming potential field directly to the average hydraulic conductivity. Hydraulic conductivity values estimated from the streaming potential method were of the same order as values determined from the analysis of drawdown data, with a relative error of 0.2. This study demonstrates that the streaming potential method is a viable tool to compliment pumping tests and provide a spatial representation of the hydraulic parameters.


The Table Mountain Group (TMG) Formation in the Uitenhage region, in the Eastern Province of South Africa, has many groundwater users, which could result in the over-exploitation of the underlying aquifer. Consequently, several investigations have been conducted to help in the planning and management of groundwater resources within the region. Traditionally, these investigations have considered groundwater and surface water as separate entities, and have been investigated separately. Environmental isotopes, hydrochemistry and feacal colifom bacteria techniques have proved to be useful in the formulation of interrelationships and for the understanding of groundwater and surface water interaction. The field survey and sampling of the springs, Swartkops River and the surrounding boreholes in the Uitenhage area have been conducted. After full analysis of the study, it is anticipated that the data from the spring, Swartkops River and the surrounding boreholes show interannual variation in the isotope values, indicating large variation in the degree of mixing, as well as to determine the origin and circulation time of different water bodies. ?D and ?18O value for the spring ranges from ?18.9? to ?7.4?, and 5.25? to 4.82?, respectively, while ?D values for borehole samples range from ?23.5? to ?20.0? and ?18O values range from ?5.67? to ?5.06?. In the river sample, ?D values ranges from ?12.1? to ?4.2?, ?18O from ?3.7? to ?1.13?, respectively. The entrobacter aerogen and E.Coli bacteria were detected in the samples. E. coli population for spring and the artesian boreholes indicated low value while the shallow boreholes had higher values are relatively closer to those of the middle ridges of the Swartkops River. The EC values for the spring samples averages at 14 mS/m, borehole samples ranges from 21 mS/m to 1402 mS/m, and surface water ranges from 19 mS/m to 195 mS/m. Swartkops River is an ephemeral, therefore it is expected that diffuse recharge occurs into the shallow aquifer.


A standard methodology for establishing a groundwater baseline for unconventional gas projects in South Africa did not exist at the time the current study was undertaken. The study was therefore aimed at filling this gap, specifically focusing on hydraulic fracturing and underground coal gasification (UCG) operations.

An extensive literature review was conducted to establish the baseline methodology. The latest literature on hydraulic fracturing and UCG was reviewed to determine how these activities may potentially impact on the groundwater environment. The literature review further examined the role that geological structures, such as dolerite intrusives, may be play in the migration of contaminants associated with unconventional gas projects. The literature review then focused on questions such as what size the study area should be, what geological and hydrogeological investigations need to be conducted before embarking on the sampling events, which chemical parameters need to be included in the groundwater analyses, whether the drilling of dedicated boreholes are required to collect representative groundwater samples, and how to collect representative samples for these different chemical parameters.

In this paper, the proposed methodology is presented in the form of a flow diagram to be used to guide future groundwater baseline projects in South Africa.


This paper presents data obtained from sampling and geochemical analysis of gold tailings and associated pool and drain water. Inverse geochemical modelling using PHREEQC indicated geochemical processes operating in the tailings between the pool and drains. These included pyrite oxidation and dissolution of various minerals identified in the tailings. The processes were incorporated into an ensemble geochemical model to calculate post-closure sulphate concentration in tailings seepage.

The ensemble model included a spreadsheet model to calculate oxygen flux at various depths in the tailings column, and a one-dimensional transport model in PHREEQC. The calculated oxygen flux was applied to each cell in the tailings column to determine the amount of sulphide oxidation and the release of acidity into the tailings pore water. The rate of vertical transport of pore water in the column was determined from physical characterisation of the tailings particle size and saturated hydraulic conductivity.

The model results indicate elevated sulphate concentrations and acidity moving as a front from the top of the column downwards. The modelled sulphate concentration of 1 500 to 1 900 mg/L 8-16 years after closure compared well with measurements of drain water quality at a tailings dam decommissioned approximately 16 years ago. This provided some credibility to the modelled result of 2 300 mg/L sulphate up to 50 years post-closure. However, the tailings moisture content, infiltration rate, and pyrite oxidation rate in the model were based on literature values, rather than site-specific measurements.


As we look at the legislation set out in the driving policies and its guiding frameworks, the need for able institutions to implement strategies that promise and deliver social growth and development, are highlighted. It is only possible to define an 'able institution' through its ability to fulfil its function and enable stakeholders to be part of the decision-making process. (Goldin, 2013) It is this relationship with the collection of stakeholders, in particular strategic water resource stakeholders, their linkages as well as the identification of specific stakeholder issues, that are critically reviewed. The recent Groundwater Strategy (2010) identified key strategic issues/themes. Each chapter listed a number of well thought out recommended actions that address specific challenges in each theme. It is the need for strategic direction (to put these strategies in place "plans into action") and to articulate the specific vision in the right context to the different stakeholders, (internal as well as external) that requires thinking. It is also the uptake of this information by publics (social action and intervention) and the impact of new learning that will need to be measured. This paper will present on a study where the groundwater sector and all its stakeholders are strategically examined to understand the process of communal thinking in the current environmental conditions. It would draw from current communication practices, style, strengths, sector experiences and trends and also reference specific and unique experiences as with the recent WRC Hydrogeological Heritage Overview: Pretoria project. {List only- not presented}


For a long time, professionals regarded social media as a superficial, unprofessional platform where internet users would submerge themselves in a virtual world, detached from real-life issues. Slowly, the myths and stigmas surrounding the use of social media has faded as more and more professionals and scientists have realized that these social platforms could be positively exploited in a professional manner which could be beneficial. In a digital age where information at our fingertips is the norm, professionals should co-evolve and ensure that their work is just as accessible and appealing, without the unnecessary jargon. Currently, science is mostly restricted to a very particular audience and conveyed in one direction only. Using a social media platform such as Twitter-which limits messages to only 140 characters-challenges scientists to convey their work in a very concise manner using simpler terminology. Furthermore, it dismisses the usual one-way form of communication by opening dialogue with fellow Twitter users. At conferences, Twitter can serve as a useful tool for active engagement which will not only "break the ice" between delegates but also ensure that important information is communicated to a much wider audience than only those in attendance. This idea was tested at the 2014 Savanna Science Network Meeting held in Skukuza, Kruger National Park, where the hashtag #SSNM was used. More than 63% of the Twitter users who participated in the #SSNM hashtag were actually not present at the conference. These external "delegates" were interested individuals from five different continents and in different professions besides Science. This highlights how social media can be exploited at conferences to ensure that key messages are conveyed beyond the immediate audience at the event.


Mt. Fuji is the iconic centrepiece of a large, tectonically active volcanic watershed (100 km2 ), which plays a vital role in supplying safe drinking water to millions of people through groundwater and numerous freshwater springs. Situated at the top of the sole known continental triple-trench junction, the Fuji watershed experiences significant tectonic instability and pictures complex geology. Recently, the conventional understanding of Mt. Fuji catchment being conceptually simple, laminar groundwater flow system with three isolated aquifers was challenged: the combined use of noble gases, vanadium, and microbial eDNA as measured in different waters around Fuji revealed the presence of substantial deep groundwater water upwelling along Japan’s tectonically most active fault system, the Fujikawa Kako Fault Zone [1]. These findings call for even deeper investigations of the hydrogeology and the mixing dynamics within large-scale volcanic watersheds, typically characterized by complex geologies and extensive networks of fractures and faults. In our current study, we approach these questions by integrating existing and emerging methodologies, such as continuous, high-resolution monitoring of dissolved gases (GE-MIMS [2]) and microbes [3], eDNA, trace elements, and integrated 3-D hydrogeological modelling [4]. The collected tracer time series and hydraulic and seismic observations are used to develop an integrated SW-GW flow model of the Mt. Fuji watershed. Climate change projections will further inform predictive modelling and facilitate the design of resilient and sustainable water resource management strategies in tectonically active volcanic regions


Three dimensional numerical flow modelling has become one of the best tools to optimise and management wellfields across the world. This paper presents a case study of simulating an existing wellfield in an alluvial aquifer directly recharged by a major perennial river with fluctuating head stages. The wellfield was originally commissioned in 2010 to provide a supply of water to a nearby Mine. Ten large diameter boreholes capable of abstracting ±2 000 m3 /hour were initially installed in the wellfield. The numerical groundwater flow model was used to evaluate if an additional 500 m3 /hour could be sustainably abstract from the alluvial aquifer system. A probabilistic river flow assessment and surface water balance model was used to quantify low and average flow volumes for the river and used to determine water availability in the alluvial aquifer over time. Output generated indicated that the wellfield demand only exceeded the lowest 2% (98th percentile) of measured monthly river flow over a 59 year period, thereby proving sufficient water availability. Conceptual characterisation of the alluvial aquifer was based on previous feasibility studies and monitoring data from the existing hydrogeological system. Aquifer parameters was translated into the model discretisation grid based on the conceptual site model while the MODFLOW River package was used to represent the river. Actual river stage data was used in the calibration process in addition to water levels of monitoring boreholes and pump tests results. The input of fluctuating river water levels proved essential in obtaining a low model error (RMSE of 0.3). Scenario modelling was used to assess the assurance of supply of the alluvial aquifer for average and drought conditions with a high confidence and provided input into further engineering designs. Wellfield performance and cumulative drawdown were also assessed for the scenario with the projected additional yield demand. Scenario modelling was furthermore used to optimise the placement of new boreholes in the available wellfield concession area.


Inadequate characterization of contaminated sites often leads to the development of poorly constructed conceptual site models and consequently, the design and implementation of inappropriate risk management strategies. As a result, the required remedial objectives are not achieved or are inefficient in addressing the identified risks. Unfortunately, it is all too common to find remedial intervention strategies that run for lengthy periods of time at great cost while generating little environmental benefit due to inadequate characterization of site conditions. High resolution site characterization (HRSC) can provide the necessary level of information to allow for development of rigorous conceptual site models, which can be used to develop and implement appropriate risk management solutions for environmental problems. At the outset, the HRSC approach generally has comparatively higher costs than traditional state-of-the-practice assessment methods. However, the project lifecycle costs can be substantially reduced due to development of optimal risk management strategies. In developing countries where there is a lack of legislation relating to soil and groundwater contamination or, a lack of enforcement of legislation which is present, the long-term liabilities related to contaminated sites are often not immediately apparent to the parties responsible for the sites. This often creates a reticence to employ HRSC techniques due to their increased cost, especially when much of the technology must be imported on a project specific basis from either Europe or the United States. The Authors provide information from several case studies conducted in South Africa where HRSC techniques have been employed to gain a greater understanding of subsurface conditions. Techniques employed have included surface-based geophysical techniques such as electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) and multi-channel analysis of seismic waves (MASW), passive soil gas surveys, deployment of Flexible Underground Technologies (FLUTe?) liners, diamond core drilling, fluid electrical conductivity profiling, downhole geophysical logging tools, the Waterloo Advanced Profiling System (APS), and the use of field laboratories. Several of the techniques required importing equipment and personnel from Europe or the US, and in several case studies, were a first to be employed in South Africa, or the continent of Africa for that matter. The Authors present data obtained using the HRSC techniques from the case studies and elaborate on how the information obtained was used to drive effective decision making in terms of managing long term environmental risks at the various sites, which has been positively embraced by local clients. The authors also highlight key challenges in conducting HRSC investigations in an emerging market context.


Degradation of chloroethene in groundwater primarily occurs via microbially-mediated reductive dechlorination (RD). Anaerobic organohalide-respiring bacteria (OHRB) use chloroethenes as electron acceptors to gain energy. They produce reductive dehalogenase enzymes (RDases) to perform this function by transcription of functional genes into mRNA and translation to proteins (metabolic regulation). However, how hydrodynamics and hydrogeochemistry control the metabolic efficiency of OHRB in biodegrading chloroethene is essential for effective bioremediation design yet an under-investigated topic. For this reason, we implemented a virtual experiment (1D reactive transport model) to investigate the effects of site conditions on transcription-translation and, hence, biodegradation processes within chloroethene plumes. In the model, RD was simulated using Enzyme-Based Kinetics, explicitly mimicking the production of RDases via metabolic regulation, calibrated on microcosm experimental data gained from literature. Features of an actual contaminated site (Grindsted, Denmark) were then used to set up the virtual experiment. Here, chloroethene leaked from a former pharmaceutical factory migrates through a sandy aquifer and gets discharged into the Grindsted stream. Preliminary results show that substrate (electron donors) limiting conditions caused by competing electron acceptors and dispersion and high flow rates represent the key factors controlling biodegradation via RDase production.


Water is integral to our economy, the health of our environment, and our survival as a species. Much of this water is accessed from surface sources, mostly rivers, which are now under increased threat due to over use and the resulting hydro-political forces. Yet, groundwater exists as a viable option in many countries facing these mounting challenges. Knowledge of our deeper groundwater systems, although increasing, is still quite limited due to our propensity to focus efforts in the lower cost, lower risk, near- surface environment. However, accessibility to shallower groundwater is tightening due to increasing use, changing regulatory requirements, and climate change.

The use of classical geophysics to explore for groundwater resources, such as seismic, gravity, magnetics, and resistivity, has been the industry standard for many decades. These technologies have proven quite effective both in the shallow and medium depth environments. However, newer remote sensing and ground-based technologies are now emerging with the ability to significantly reduce costs and time, and increase success for groundwater exploration and development programs. Quantum Direct Matter Indicator (QDMI) technologies, or applied methods of Quantum Geoelectrophysics (QGEP), are poised to enhance the hydrogeophysical industry, much like electro-magnetic (EM) and electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) did years ago. QDMI utilizes resonant frequency remote and direct sensing technologies that detect perturbations in the earth’s natural electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields. Controlled source electromagnetic pulse methods with electromagnetic spectrum spectroscopy are used to identify aquifers, including thickness, water quality (fresh or saline) and temperature, to depths of 1000 m or more accurately. With multiple successes around the world, the deployment of this inventive and effective approach to groundwater exploration is poised to advance exploration geophysics globally.


Unicef is the WASH sector lead globally and is, present at the country level, the main counterpart of government, especially regarding the component of the water balance utilised for potable safe water supplies. This mandate means that Unicef then has a role in looking at water resources nationally and not just as individual projects, and in doing so, contributes to good water governance as an integral part of system strengthening. Ensure this is done in partnership with other ministries and stakeholders that support them through advocacy for humanitarian and developmental access and support in technical areas such as groundwater assessments and monitoring. The focus on groundwater is especially linked with the fact that groundwater plays a major role due to its buffering capacity to climate variations, easier access and global coverage. Since groundwater is the most significant component of accessible freshwater resources, it is in the interest of UNICEF to make this resource more visible to meet both development and humanitarian goals, strengthen national systems and ultimately build resilience in mitigating water scarcity to scale or at the National level. Therefore, examples will be presented where Unicef has engaged on this journey with nations such as Afghanistan, Yemen, Mozambique and Rwanda to understand their water resources better. The overall objective at the National level is to adapt the capacity to withstand and recover as quickly as possible from external stresses and shocks or build resilience.


Burning of coal for electricity production has resulted in vast amounts of ash being deposited in ash dumps. Rain water and ash water conditioning results in the wetting of ash dumps and if the water retention capacity is exceeded there is a possibility of leaching to soil and underlying aquifers. In this study two different coal ash are used to determine the water retention as excess amount of process water at power stations ash dumps can lead to impeding the desired water balance, which can be critical for maintain various plant processes. The nonlinear relationship between soil water content and matrix suction of a porous material under unsaturated conditions is described by the soil water characteristic curve (SWCC). The SWCC for a given material represents the water storage capability enabling the determination of varying matric suction such as prediction of important unsaturated hydraulic processes including soil permeability, shear strength, volume change with respect to the water content changes. This paper presents an alternative, cost effective and rapid method for measuring and subsequent estimating of the soil-water characteristics of any soil type. Several methods are available to obtain the measurements required for defining soil-water characteristics. However, obtaining the required measurements for a SWCC is generally difficult since there is no laboratory or field instrument, capable of measuring a typical complete plant available water suction range accurately. Due to high methodological effort and associated costs of other methods, a simplified evaporation method which was implemented in the HYPROP (Hydraulic Property analyzer, UMS, 2012) becomes a possible alternative. It relies on the evaporation method initially proposed Schindler (1980). A typical work range for a HYPROP system is 0 to 100 KPa as read out from the two high capacity tensiometers installed at different heights within a saturated sample column. For a dry coal ash dump to be optimally used as sinks, input water applications should be matched with evaporation rates and capillary storage. This will ensure the moisture storage of the ash dump is not exceeded and consequently avert leachate generation at the base of the ash dump. The field capacity of waste materials is of critical importance in determining the formation of leachate in landfills which in this case is the coal ash dump facility. It is the field capacity limit when exceeded which give rise to leachate generation consequently promoting a downward movement of generated leachate.he study found that it is possible to use the Hyprop together with an empirical based fitting model to define a complete SWCC along a dewatering path. The study found the Brooks-Corey model as the suitable representative of the Hyprop measured data, confirmed by AICc and RMSE analysis. The Brooks-Corey estimated retention function parameters within +/- 1% error. A mean value of 35.3% was determined as the water retention or field capacity value for Matimba Coal ash. If the ash dump is operated in excess of this value, chances of groundwater pollution are high.


The SADC Grey Data archive provides a chronology of groundwater development within the constituent countries of the SADC region. Early reports show how groundwater development progressed from obtaining water by well digging to the mechanical drilling of boreholes for provision of water for irrigation, township development, transport networks and rural settlement. During the 1930s steam driven drilling rigs were supplanted by petrol engine driven cable tool percussion drilling. Dixey (1931), in his manual on how to develop groundwater resources based on experiences in colonial geological surveys in eastern and southern Africa, describes aquifer properties, groundwater occurrence and resources as well as water quality and groundwater abstraction methods. Frommurze (1937) provides an initial assessment of aquifer properties in South Africa with Bond (1945) describing their groundwater chemistry. South African engineers transferred geophysical surveying skills to the desert campaign during World War II. Paver (1945) described the application of these methods to various geological environments in South Africa, Rhodesia and British colonial territories in eastern and central Africa. Test pumping methods using electric dippers were also developed for the assessment of groundwater resources. Enslin and others developed DC resistivity meters, replacing early Meggar systems, produced data that when analysed, using slide rules with graphs plotted by hand, identified water bearing fractures and deeply weathered zones. Tentative maps were drawn using interpretation of aerial photographs and heights generated using aneroid altimeters. The problems faced by hydrogeologists remain the same today as they were then, even though the technology has greatly improved in the computer era. Modern techniques range from a variety of geophysical surveying methods, automated rest level recorders with data loggers to GPS location systems and a whole host of remotely sensed data gathering methods. Worryingly, using such automated procedures reduces the ability of hydrogeologists to understand data limitations. The available collection of water level time series data are surprisingly small. Surrogate data need to be recognised and used to indicate effects of over abstraction as demand grows. As the numbers of boreholes drilled per year increases the number of detailed hydrogeological surveys undertaken still remains seriously small. Has our knowledge of hydrogeological systems advanced all that much from what was known in the 1980s? Case histories from Malawi, Zimbabwe and Tanzania illustrate a need for groundwater research with well-judged sustainability assessments to underpin safe long-term groundwater supply for the groundwater dependent communities in the region.


A coal mine in South Africa had reached decant levels after mine flooding, where suspected mine water was discharging on the ground surface. Initial investigations had indicted a low-risk of decant, but when ash-backfilling was performed in the defunct underground mine, decant occurred. Ash-backfilling was immediately suspended as it was thought to have over-pressurised the system and caused decant. Contrariwise, a number of years later decant was still occurring even though ash-backfilling had been terminated. An investigation was launched to determine whether it was the ash-backfilling which had solely caused decant, or if additional contributing factors existed. Understanding the mine water decant is further complicated by the presence of underlying dolomites which when intersected during mining produced significant inflows into the underground mine workings. Furthermore, substantial subsidence has taken place over the underground mine area. These factors combined with the inherent difficulty of understanding unseen groundwater, produced a proverbial 1000-piece puzzle. Numerical groundwater modelling was a natural choice for evaluating the complex system of inter-related processes. A pre-mining model simulated the water table at the ground surface near the currently decanting area, suggesting this area was naturally susceptible for seepage conditions. The formation of a pathway from the mine to the ground surface combined with the natural susceptibility of the system may have resulted in the mine water decant. This hypothesis advocates that mine water was going to decant in this area, regardless of ash backfilling. The numerical groundwater flow model builds a case for this hypothesis from 1) the simulated upward flow in the pre-mining model and 2) the groundwater level is simulated above the surface near the currently decanting area. A mining model was then utilised to run four scenarios, investigating the flux from the dolomites, subsidence, ash-backfilling and a fault within the opencast mine. The ash-backfilling scenario model results led to the formation of the hypothesis that completing the ash-backfilling could potentially reduce the current decant volumes, which is seemingly counterintuitive. The numerical model suggested that the current ash-backfill areas reduce the groundwater velocity and could potentially reduce the decant volumes; in spite of its initial contribution to the mine water decant which is attributed to incorrect water abstraction methods. In conclusion, the application of numerical models to improve the understanding of complex systems is essential, because the result of interactions within a complex system are not intuitive and in many cases require mathematical simulation to be fully understood.


The groundwater quality of the Orange Water Management Area (OWMA) was assessed to determine the current groundwater status. Groundwater is of major importance in the Orange Basin and constitutes the only source of water over large areas. Groundwater in the OWMA is mainly used for domestic supply, stock watering, irrigation, and mining activities. Increase in mining and agricultural activities place a demand for the assessment of groundwater quality. The groundwater quality was assessed by collecting groundwater samples from farm boreholes, household boreholes, and mine boreholes. Physical parameters such as pH, temperature and Electrical Conductivity (EC) were measured in-situ using an Aquameter instrument. The groundwater chemistry of samples were analysed using Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry, Ion Chromatography, and Spectrophotometer for cations, anions and alkalinity respectively. The analyses were done at Council for Geoscience laboratory. The results obtained indicated high concentration of Nitrate (NO3), EC, sulphate (SO4), Iron (Fe), and dissolved metals (Chromium, Nickel, Copper, Zinc, and Lead). The concentrations were higher than the South African National Standards (SANS) 241 (2006) drinking water required guideline. The OWMA is characterised by the rocks of the Karoo Supergroup, Ventersdorp Supergroup, Transvaal Supergroup, Namaqua and Natal Metamorphic Province, Gariep Supergroup, and Kalahari Group. Groundwater is found in the sandstones of the Beaufort Group. Salt Mining occurs in the Namaqua Group, hence the high concentration of EC observed. High EC was also found in the Dwyka Group. The salt obtained from the pans underlain by the Dwyka Group rocks has relatively high sodium sulphate content, this probably results from oxidation of iron sulphate to sulphate. Therefore, high concentration of SO4 is due to the geology of the area. High concentration of NO3 is due to agricultural activities, whereas high concentration of EC, Fe, SO4 and dissolved metals is due to mining activities.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been used in a variety of problems in the fields of science and engineering in particular automation of many processes due to their self-learning capabilities as well as their noise-immunity. In this paper, we describe a study of the applicability of one of the popular branch of AI (Artificial Neural Network (ANN)) as an alternative approach to automate modelling of one-dimensional geoelectrical resistivity sounding data. The methodology involves two ANNs; first one for curve type identification and the other one for model parameter estimation. A three-layer feedforward neural network that was trained from geoelectrical resistivity data taken at boreholes with geology logs was used to predict earth models from measured data without the need to guess the initial model parameters or use synthetic data as is done with most conventional inversion approaches. The motivation for using the ANN for geophysical inversion is that they are adaptive systems that perform a non-linear mapping between two sets of data from a given domain. For network training, we use the back-propagation algorithm. An example using data from southern Malawi shows that the ANN results outperforms the conventional approaches as the results after adequate training, produce reasonably accurate earth models which are in agreement with borehole log data.


Mining site remnants are everlasting and impact the groundwater regime on a long term scale. An integrated approach to geoscience is necessary due to the complexity of nature and the unknown relationships that must be discovered to further the understanding of impacts on the natural environment. Furthermore, groundwater resources are negatively impacted by mining activities affecting the groundwater quality and quantity. Underground coal mining can be accompanied by roof failure events. This may change the matrix which subsequently alters the flow regime; leads to variations within the water chemistry, provided there is inter- aquifer connectivity; and alters the recharge rate. Dewatered mine voids are in direct contact with oxygen initiating oxidation reactions, depending on the geology of the specific site. A change in water chemistry was analyzed, and this coincides with a roof failure event as interpreted from water level measurements. Concentrations of Mg, Ca, and alkalinity indicate anomalous changes that are still in effect, five to six years after the majority of water levels had stabilized. The changes in the system coincides with and correlates to events of roof failure and different parameters. The latter changes are applied as extra tools when interpreting different site specific anthropogenic induced impacts on the system. Also within this study, constant rate pumping tests were conducted for the interest of the hydraulic properties, using three farming boreholes. The results put forward a range of 0.21 – 0.44L/s and 6.5 – 11.5m2 /d, for sustainable yield and transmissivity, respectively. Furthermore, it is recommended that a better understanding can be gained on system behaviors if chemistry correlations can be gathered through certain events causing specific systems to be in disequilibrium. It is also recommended that additional pumping tests will allow more insightful interpretation and delineation between the abovementioned chemical and water level changes. Finally, the combination of parameters during events can aid in deciding the most appropriate analytical models used for further analysis.


Understanding the hydrogeochemical processes that govern groundwater quality is important for sustainable management of the water resource. A study with the objective of identifying the hydrogeochemical processes and their relation with existing quality of groundwater was carried processes in the shallow aquifer of the Lubumbashi river basin. The study approach includes conventional graphical plots and multivariate analysis of the hydrochemical data to define the geochemical evaluation of aquifer system based on the ionic constituents, water types, hydrochemical facies and groundwater factors quality control. Water presents a spatial variability of chemical facies (HCO3- - Ca2+ - Mg2+, Cl- - Na+ + K+, Cl- - Ca2+ - Mg2+ , HCO3- - Na+ + K+ ) which is in relation to their interaction with the geological formation of the basin. The results suggest that different natural hydrogeochemical processes like simple dissolution, mixing, and ion exchange are the key factors. Limited reverse ion exchange has been noticed at few locations of the study. At most, factor analyses substantiate the findings of conventional graphical plots and provide greater confidence in data-interpretation. {List only- not presented}


Annually, UNICEF spends approximately US$1B in water, sanitation and hygiene programming (WASH), approximately half of which is spent in humanitarian contexts. In emergencies, UNICEF supports the delivery of water, sanitation and hygiene programming under very difficult programming contexts – interruptions to access, power supply and a lack of reliable data. Many of these humanitarian situations are in contexts where water scarcity is prevalent and where the demand and competition for water are increasing, contributing to tension between and within communities. While water scarcity is not new to many of these water-scarce areas, climate change is compounding the already grave challenges related to ensuring access to safe and sustainable water services, changing recharge patterns, destroying water systems and increasing water demand. Incorrectly designed and implemented water systems can contribute to conflict, tension, and migration. Ensuring a comprehensive approach to water security and resilient WASH services can reduce the potential for conflict and use water as a channel for peace and community resilience. This presents an enormous opportunity for both humanitarian and development stakeholders to design water service programmes to ensure community resilience through a four-part approach: 1. Groundwater resource assessments 2. Sustainable yield assessments (taking into consideration future conditions) 3. Climate risk assessments 4. Groundwater monitoring/early warning systems UNICEF promotes this approach across its WASH programming and the sector through technical briefs, support and capacity building.


Conjunctive use of surface water and groundwater resources offers huge advantages to municipalities. It can significantly increase the resilience of the municipal water supply to drought situations. Optimal use and integration of different sources would result in a yield of the total system that is higher than the combined yield of each source separately. However, integrated water resource management (IWRM) in general and planned conjunctive use of both groundwater and surface water resources in particular have not been successfully implemented yet in South Africa. Six selected case studies of municipalities across South Africa, which utilize both surface water and groundwater for the water supply to specific towns, have undergone a review of their current water governance provisions wrt groundwater, surface water and conjunctive use. The review has been based on a questionnaire for direct interaction with the local government officials, supported by other readily available documents such as municipal Integrated Development Plan (IDP) and Water Services Development Plan (WSDP), municipal websites, Blue Drop and Green Drop Assessment Reports, Municipal Strategic Self-Assessment (MuSSA) and the All Towns Reconciliation Strategy reports. These case studies reveal the different institutional arrangements for water resource management and water supply services that exist in municipalities. The advantages and disadvantages of the institutional arrangements for each case study have been determined. Problem areas identified include split of responsibilities for surface water and groundwater resources between different institutions, lack of financial and HR support within the government spheres, lack of formal and structured stakeholder engagement, insufficient monitoring for both sources, inter alia. Based on this comparative study of different municipalities, a draft framework of optimal institutional arrangements and governance provisions at local government level is developed to support the integration and optimisation of surface water and groundwater supply. The proposed framework is based on three pillars; viz. leadership and clear structures within the responsible local government institution, formal engagement with all relevant internal and external stakeholders and a sufficient monitoring network that supports the stakeholder engagement and decision making.


Globally, a growing concern have been that the heavy metal contents of soil are increasing as the result of industrial, mining, agricultural and domestic activities. While certain heavy metals are essential for plant growth as micronutrients, it may become toxic at higher concentrations. Additionally, as the toxic metals load of the soil increases, the risk of non-localized pollution due to the metals leaching into groundwater increases. The total soil metal content alone is not a good measure of risk, and thus not a very useful tool to determine potential risks to soil and water contamination. The tendency of a contaminant to seep into the groundwater is determined by its solubility and by the ratio between the concentration of the contaminant sorbed by the soil and the concentration remaining in solution. This ratio is commonly known as the soil partitioning or distribution coefficient (Kd). A higher Kd value indicate stronger attraction to the soil solids and lower susceptibility to leaching. Studies indicate that the Kd for a given constituent may vary widely depending on the nature of the soil in which the constituent occurs. The Kd of a soil represents the net effect of several soil sorption processes acting upon the contaminant under a certain set of conditions. Soil properties such as the pH, clay content, organic carbon content and the amount of Mn and Fe oxides, have an immense influence on the Kd value of a soil. Kds for Cu, Pb and V for various typical South African soil horizons were calculated from sorption graphs. In most cases there were contrasting Kd values especially when the cations, Cu and Pb, had high contamination levels, the value for V was low. There is large variation between the Kds stipulated in the Framework for the Management of Contaminated land (as drafted by the Department of Environmental Affairs) and the values obtained experimentally in this study. The results further indicate that a single Kd for an element/metal cannot be used for all soil types/horizons due to the effect of soil properties on the Kd. The results for Cu and Pb indicated that the Kds can range in the order of 10 to 10 000 L/kg for Cu and 10 to 100 000 L/kg for Pb. The variation in V Kd was not as extensive ranging from approximately 10 to 1 000 L/kg. {List only- not presented}


With the revision of the European Drinking Water Directive (Directive on the quality of water intended for human consumption 2020/2184) in December 2020, the preparation of Water Safety Plans (WSP) is foreseen according to the guidelines of WHO. Within the EU Interreg Adrion MUHA project, a decision support tool (DST) has been developed to provide a holistic approach to drinking water infrastructure risk analysis. The project mainly addresses four water-related risks: accidental pollution, floods, droughts and earthquakes. The core of the DST is the inventory of hazardous events (causes, their consequences and impacts) for each component of the drinking water supply chain: (1) drinking water source - catchment area, (2) water supply system, and (3) domestic distribution system. For each identified potential hazard, the type of hazard was determined (e.g., biological, chemical, radiological, or physical hazard (including turbidity), inadequate availability of water supplied to customers, safety to personnel, external harm to third parties, including liability). The DST was tested in the partner countries (Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro and Greece) to verify the resilience of the measures and elaborate the WSP.

In the end, the REWAS-ADRION strategy was elaborated, aiming to increase the resilience of drinking water supplies to floods, droughts, accidental pollution, and earthquake-related failures by improving the water safety planning mechanism based on the concept of inter-agency cooperation to support water utilities, civil protection organizations, and water authorities.


POSTER About 97% of the earth's freshwater fraction is groundwater, excluding the amount locked in ice caps (Turton et al 2007) and is often the only source of water in arid and semi-arid regions and plays a critical role in agriculture, this dependency results in over-exploitation, depletion and pollution (Turton et al 2007). Groundwater governance helps prevent these issues. CSIR defines governance as the process of informed decision making that enables trade between competing users of a given resource, as to balance protection and use in such a way as to mitigate conflicts, enhance security, ensure sustainability and hold government officials accountable for their actions (Turton et al 2007). Realising the issues of groundwater governance is a requirement for developing policy recommendations for both national and trans-boundary groundwater governance. Groundwater level decline has led to depletion in storage in both confined and unconfined aquifer systems (Theesfeld 2010). There are about six institutional aspects, namely voluntary compliance, traditional and mental models, administrative responsibility and bureaucratic inertia, conflict resolution mechanisms, political economy and information deficits (Theesfeld 2010). Each of these aspects represents institutional challenges for national and international policy implementation. Traditional local practices should not be disregarded when new management schemes or technological innovations are implemented. The types of policies that impact governance include regulatory instruments, economic instruments and voluntary/advisory instruments. Regulatory or command and control policy instruments such as ownership and property right assignments and regulations for water use are compulsory. Economic policy instruments make use of financial reasons such as groundwater pricing, trading water right or pollution permits, subsidies and taxes. Voluntary /advisory policy instruments are those that influence voluntary actions or behavioural change without agreement or direct financial incentives. These are ideal types though no policy option ever relies purely on one type of instrument. The aim of these policies is to have an impact on governance structures (Theesfeld 2010). The national water act (1998) of the Republic of South Africa is not widely recognized as the most comprehensive water law in the world even though it is the highlight of socio-political events; socially it is still recent in most sites although the law was implemented 15 years ago (Schreiner and Koppen 2002). Regulations for use include quantity limitations, drilling permits and licensing, use licenses, special zone of conservation and reporting and registering requirement. In general when drilling and well construction are done commercially they increasingly fall under the scope of regulatory legislation. This paper will focus mostly on traditional and mental models; procedures that a certain community is dependent on should be taken into account before replacing with technological advanced tools. Consultation of the public can cause conflicts which lead to poor groundwater management.

Keywords: Groundwater governance, policy, policy instruments.


An understanding of the movement of moisture fluxes in the unsaturated zone of waste disposal sites play a critical role in terms of potential groundwater contamination. Increasing attention is being given to the unsaturated or vadose zone where much of the subsurface contamination originates, passes through, or can be eliminated before it contaminates surface and subsurface water resources. As the transport of contaminants is closely linked with the water ?ux in through the unsaturated zone, any quantitative analysis of contaminant transport must ?rst evaluate water ?uxes into and through the this region. Mathematical models have often been used as critical tools for the optimal quantification of site-speci?c subsurface water ?ow and solute transport processes so as to enable the implementation of management practices that minimize both surface and groundwater pollution. For instance, numerical models have been used in the simulation of water and solute movement in the subsurface for a variety of applications, including the characterization of unsaturated zone solute transport in waste disposal sites and landfills. In this study, HYDRUS 2D numerical simulation was used to simulate water and salt movement in the unsaturated zone at a dry coal ash disposal site in Mpumalanga, South Africa. The main objective of this work was to determine the flux dynamics within the unsaturated zone of the coal ash medium, so as to develop a conceptual model that explains solute transport through the unsaturated zone of the coal ash medium for a period of approximately 10 year intervals. Field experiments were carried out to determine the model input parameters and the initial conditions, through the determination of average moisture content, average bulk density and the saturated hydraulic conductivity of the medium. A two dimensional finite-element mesh of 100m x 45m model was used to represent cross section of the ash dump. Two dimensional time lapse models showing the migration of moisture fluxes and salt plumes were produced for the coal ash medium. An explanation on the variation of moisture content and cumulative fluxes in the ash dump was done with reference to preexisting ash dump data as well as the soil physical characteristics of the ash medium.
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In the management of water resources especially groundwater resources, implementing existing regulations is one of the much needed aspects ensuring water security through the regulated use. However, such regulations are not regulated to ensure that they served the intended purpose in their original formulation. In South Africa, a study was carried out to assess the relevance and efficient of adhering to procedural requirements during water use licence application (WULA) process. Lived-experiences and observation methods were used to collect data. The department of water and sanitation was used as a case study. Interpretative analysis approach was used to provide the meaning on the analysed information. The WARMS database was accessed where the number of days that WULA process was extracted. The regulation No. 40713 about WULA process was analysed. The five-year-data prior and post the promulgation of regulation No. 40713 were extracted from WARMS database and evaluated in terms of the duration each application took to be processed for WULA. Data on water use for abstractions from all the regions were obtained from WARMS database and assessed. Dates when applications were submitted and when such applications were finalised were analysis per month and per years for temporal analysis. The number of entitlements received during the particular period and the number of applications recommended to be declined and issued were assessed using exploratory data analysis methods. Graphical method was adapted to increase results visualisation on water use entitlements. Key results showed that the process of WULA was generally slow and reasons were provided for such outcome. However, the temporal analysis revealed an increasing trend in the post promulgation of regulation No. 40713 suggesting that regulations when re-regulated serve its intended purpose. Although such findings are not conclusive but they inform a basis for re-regulating enforcement regulations in Southern African countries with issues similar to South Africa on water entitlement.


Data acquisition and Management (DAM) is a group of activities relating to the planning, development, implementation and administration of systems for the acquisition, storage, security, retrieval, dissemination, archiving and disposal of data. Data is the life blood of an organization and the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) is mandated by the National Water Act (No 36 of 1998) as well as the Water Services Act (No 108 of 1997), to provide useful water related information to decision makers in a timely and efficient manner. In 2009 the DWS National Water Monitoring Committee (NWMC) established the DAM as its subcommittee. The purpose was to ensure coordination and collaboration in the acquisition and management of water related data in support of water monitoring programs. The DAM subcommittee has relatively been inactive over the years and this has led to many unresolved data issues. The data extracted from the DWS Data Acquisition and Management Systems (DAMS) is usually not stored in the same formats. As a result, most of the data is fragmented, disintegrated and not easily accessible, making it inefficient for water managers to use the data to make water related decisions. The lack of standardization of data collection, storage, archiving and dissemination methods as well as insufficient collaboration with external institutions in terms of data sharing, negatively affects the management water resources. Therefore, there is an urgent need to establish and implement a DAM Strategy for the DWS and water sector, in order to maintain and improve data quality, accuracy, availability, accessibility and security. The proposed DAM Strategy is composed of the six main implementation phases, viz. (1) Identification of stakeholders and role players as well as their roles and responsibilities in the DWS DAM. (2) Definition of the role of DAM in the data and information management value chain for the DWS. (3) Development of a strategy for communication of data needs and issues. (4) Development of a DAM life Cycle (DAMLC). (5) Review of existing DAMS in the DWS. (6) Review of current data quality standards. The proposed DAM Strategy is currently being implemented on the DWS Groundwater DAM. The purpose of this paper is to share the interesting results obtained thus far, and to seek feedback from the water sector community.


POSTER As the National Water Act has evolved to provide for more effective and sustainable management of our water resources, there has been a shift in focus to more strategic management practices. With this shift come new difficulties relating to the presentation of sensitivity issues within a spatial context. To this end it is necessary to integrate existing significant spatial layers into one map that retains the context, enables simple interpretation and interrogation and facilitates decision making. This project shows the steps taken to map and identify key groundwater characteristics in the Karoo using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) techniques. Two types of GIS-based groundwater maps have been produced to assist with interpretation of existing data on Karoo Aquifer Systems in turn informing the management of groundwater risks within Shell's applications for shale gas exploration. Aquifer Attribute and Vulnerability maps were produced to assist in the decision making process. The former is an aquifer classification methodology developed by the project team, while the latter uses the well-known DRASTIC methodology. The overlay analysis tool of ESRI's ArcGIS 10.1 software was used, enabling the assessment and spatial integration of extensive volumes of data, without losing the original detail, and combining them into a single output. This process allows for optimal site selection of suitable exploration target areas. Weightings were applied to differentiate the relative importance of the input criteria. For the Attributes maps ten key attributes were agreed by the project team to be the most significant in contributing to groundwater/aquifer characteristics in the Karoo. This work culminated in the production of a series of GIS-based groundwater attributes maps to form the Karoo Groundwater Atlas which can be used to guide groundwater risk management for a number of purposes. The DRASTIC model uses seven key hydrogeological parameters to characterise the hydrogeological setting and evaluate aquifer vulnerability, defined as the tendency or likelihood for general contaminants to reach the watertable after introduction at ground surface.


The uncertainties associated with both the sampling process and laboratory analysis can contribute to the variability of the results. In most cases, it does appear that if the water samples have been analysed by an accredited laboratory, the results are acceptable. While the accreditation of analytical laboratory and therefore its credibility is very important to uphold quality and integrity, the same should be said about the sampling process. The quality and credibility of a sampling process is typically left to the responsibility of the appointed groundwater practitioner without any criteria to evaluate the quality and integrity of the sampling process. Perhaps the quality and integrity of the sampling process is evaluated based on trust or experience of the practitioner. However without any form of scientific criteria to evaluate the quality and integrity of the sampling process, it is difficult for the sampling process to be scrutinized. The quality and integrity of both the sampling process and laboratory analysis must be scientifically evaluated based on the uncertainty of measurements in line with the monitoring goals/requirements. This presentation discusses the aspects of evaluation of measurement uncertainties associated with groundwater sampling as an important component of quality assessment of groundwater sampling processes. The potential implications of the uncertainties on the final results and their use in decision making is also discussed. The credibility of the decisions made also depends on the knowledge about the uncertainties of the final results


This paper describes the results of study aimed at consolidating the available data sources on deep aquifers and deep groundwater conditions in South Africa. The study formed part of the larger WRC Project K5/2434 (Characterisation and Protection of Potential Deep Aquifers in South Africa). Since very little is known about the aquifer conditions below depths of 300 m, all groundwater information from depths greater than 300 m was considered to represent the deep aquifer systems. Various confirmed and potential sources of data on deep aquifers and groundwater conditions were identified and interrogated during this study, namely:

1. Boreholes of the International Heat Flow Commission (IHFC). The IHFC database indicates the location of 39 deep boreholes ranging in depth from 300 to 800 m, with an average depth of 535 m.
2. The Pangea database of the International Council for Science (ICSU). The Pangea database has information on 119 boreholes in South Africa, of which 116 are deeper than 300 m.
3. A database on deep boreholes at the Council for Geoscience (CGS). This database contains information on 5 221 boreholes with depths exceeding 300 m.
4. Information on the deep SOEKOR boreholes drilled during the 1960s and 1970s (at least 38 boreholes).
5. Information on deep boreholes from the database of the Petroleum Agency SA.
6. The National Groundwater Archive (NGA) of the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS).
7. Information derived from the thermal springs in South Africa.
8. Boreholes drilled as part of the Karoo Research Initiative (KARIN).
9. Information on the locations and depths of underground mines in South Africa. Information on the occurrence of deep groundwater could potentially be obtained from these mines.

The study shows that, although information on a vast number of deep groundwater sites is listed in the various databases, the data relevant to the geohydrological conditions are scant at most sites. This paucity of geohydrological data implies that the deep aquifers of South Africa are currently poorly understood.


Approximately 982 km3 /annum of the world’s groundwater reserve is abstracted, providing almost half of all drinking water worldwide. Globally, 70% is used for agricultural purposes while 38% for irrigation.

Most water resources of South Africa are threatened by contamination caused by industrial, agricultural, and commercial activities, and many parts of the country face ongoing drought with an urgent need to find alternative freshwater sources, such as groundwater. Groundwater constitutes approximately 15% of the total volume consumed, hence it is an important resource that supplements insufficient surface water supplies across South Africa.

Very little attention has been afforded to understanding the anthropogenically altered vadose zone as a potential source or buffer to groundwater contamination. This is evident from few research studies that has applied multiple isotopic tracers to characterise this zone. Most subsurface systems in South Africa are characterised by fractures, whereby flow and transport are concentrated along preferential flow paths.

This study aims to evaluate the performance of different tracer classes (environmental and artificial) with one another, and create a better understanding of the hydraulic properties, mean residence time and transport mechanisms of these tracers. The influence of unsaturated zone thickness on recharge mechanisms will also be evaluated.

Site visits will be conducted for the proposed study areas, and the neighbouring sources of contamination will be assessed. The matric potential and unsaturated hydraulic conductivities will be measured using various techniques. Water samples will be collected and analysed for the various tracers from the vadose zone using gravity lysimeters including suction cups. Several tracers will also be injected into boreholes where samples will be collected to calculate tracer residence times (BTC’s) and further constrain the hydraulic properties of the vadose zone. All samples will be analysed, interpreted, and simulated using the numerical finite-element modelling code SPRING, developed by delta h. The software derives quantitative results for groundwater flow and transport problems in the saturated and unsaturated zones of an aquifer.

The research is expected to provide more insight into the selection and use of environmental and artificial tracers as markers for detecting, understanding the transport processes and pathways of contaminants in typical altered South African subsurface environments. The impact derived improved characterisation of the pathways, transport, and migration processes of contaminants, leading to groundwater protection strategies and appropriate conceptual and numerical models. The output from this study will determine the vertical and horizontal flux for both saturated and unsaturated conditions.


Decades of monitoring, characterising, and assessing nitrate concentration distribution and behaviour in the soil profile and it's pathway into groundwater have resulted in a good understanding of its distribution in the country. While the national distribution is of great importance, site specific conditions determine fate, transport, and ultimately concentration in a specific area. Field experimental work included installation of a barrier containing a cheaply available carbon source to treat groundwater. The "reactor"/ tank with dimensions- 1,37m height, 2.15m diameter used for the experiment was slotted for its entire circumference by marking and grinding through the 5mm thick plastic material. The top section was left open to allow for filling and occasional checking of filled material during the experiment. The tank was packed with Eucalyptus globulus woodchips which was freely available at the site. Concentrations of groundwater nitrate at the site were well over what could be expected in any naturally occurring groundwater systems, and would result only by major anthropogenic activities in unconfined aquifer areas of South Africa. The changes in parameter concentrations with time were measured in order to determine the efficiency and life span of the carbon source used for the experiment. This paper considers 35 months of monitoring at a site where a low technology method was implemented. Field implementation was tested at a site which previously experienced some NH4NO3 spills. Main results from the field work showed that nitrate was totally removed at the treatment zone and surrounding boreholes, and even sulphate and NH4+ were removed during the experiment. This shows that the woodchips were successful in affecting denitrification for 35 months. Data also shows that boreholes further downstream from the tank had reduced NO3-, SO42- and NH4+ levels. Using the available biodegradable carbon for the woodchips based on its composition, a barrier lifespan could be determined. The results of calculations showed that the barrier would be effective for at least another 6.9 years from the period of the last sampling date. A total lifespan of about 10 years can thus be estimated.


Vapour intrusion (VI) is the term used to define the encroachment of vapour phase contaminants from subsurface sources into structures such as buildings and basements. It is widely recognized that VI often forms the principal risk of exposure to receptors at petroleum release sites. Petroleum VI (PVI) generally occurs where a release of petroleum hydrocarbon product migrates from its source (e.g. from a leaking underground storage tank) to the groundwater table at which point, given favourable conditions, the hydrocarbon plume may migrate laterally beneath an adjacent building or structure. Subsequent volatilisation of the petroleum product results in the upward diffusion of vapours towards the surface where the vapours may enter into the building or structure at concentrations which may be harmful to human health. The subject of PVI with regards to its fate and transport mechanisms, as well as associated mitigation measures is rapidly gaining attention on a global scale, although to date this exposure pathway remains largely un-assessed in South Africa, with no regulatory guidance currently available. In the late 1990's and early 2000's focus was placed on the development of VI screening criteria by which sites could be screened with respect to their hydrogeological conditions and contamination status so as to determine whether VI could be a potential exposure pathway of concern, with much of the early work being completed by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. For the past decade the majority of the available screening criteria and guidance has had a partially incomplete understanding of hydrocarbon vapour fate and transport processes associated with VI, which has led to doubt over the application of such screening criteria in many cases. Furthermore, recent research conducted abroad has highlighted the importance of the role of oxygen in the vadose zone in the natural attenuation of petroleum hydrocarbon vapours as they diffuse through the soil profile. This research is pointing towards the notion that currently applied screening criteria may be overly conservative, leading to many unnecessary PVI investigations being conducted to the disruption of occupants of the buildings, and at great cost. Over the last two years ERM has compiled a dataset of PVI results from numerous investigations it has conducted throughout Southern Africa and in this paper the authors present data that supports the growing global trend towards recognizing the role that oxygen plays in attenuating petroleum hydrocarbon vapours in the vadose zone. The data also supports the notion that confirmed cases of PVI into buildings have generally been found to be the exception to the rule and not the norm.


Inadequate characterization of petroleum release sites often leads to the design and implementation of inappropriate remedial systems, which do not achieve the required remedial objectives or are inefficient in addressing the identified risk drivers, running for lengthy periods of time with little benefit. It has been recognized that high resolution site characterization can provide the necessary level of information to allow for appropriate solutions to be implemented. Although the initial cost of characterization is higher, the long-term costs can be substantially reduced and the remedial benefits far greater. The authors will discuss a case study site in the Karoo, South Africa, where ERM has utilized our fractured rock toolbox approach to conduct high resolution characterization of a petroleum release incident to inform the most practical and appropriate remedial approach. The incident occurred when a leak from a subsurface petrol line caused the release of approximately 9 000 litres of fuel into the fractured sedimentary bedrock formation beneath the site. Methods of characterization included:
- Surface geological mapping of regionally observed geological outcrops to determine the structural orientation of the underlying bedding planes and jointing systems;
- A surface electrical resistivity geophysics assessment for interpretation of underlying geological and hydrogeological structures;
- Installation of groundwater monitoring wells to delineate the extent of contamination;
- Diamond core drilling to obtain rock cores from the formation for assessment of structural characteristics and the presence of hydrocarbons by means of black light fluorescence screening and hydrocarbon detection dyes;
- Down-borehole geophysical profiling to determine fracture location, fracture density, fracture dip and joint orientation; and
- Down-borehole deployment of Flexible Underground Technologies (FLUTe?) liners to determine the precise vertical location of light non-aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) bearing joint systems and fracture zones, and to assist in determining the vertical extent of transmissive fractures zones.
ERM used the information obtained from the characterization to compile a remedial action plan to identify suitable remedial strategies for mitigating the effects of the contamination and to target optimal areas of the site for pilot testing of the selected remedial methods. Following successful trials of a variety of methods for LNAPL removal, ERM selected the most appropriate and efficient technique for full-scale implementation.
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