Conference Abstracts

All Abstracts were presented at the Groundwater Conferences

Displaying 651 - 700 of 795 results
Title Presenter Name Presenter Surname Area Conference year Keywords


The so-called apparent increase of transmisivity (T) or hydraulic conductivity (K) with scale is an artifact and does not exist in the field. The reason for the apparent increasing of T with scale is due to the use of the "not applicable" random log Gaussian stochastic models that are used by geohydrologists. In the petroleum field, which uses deterministic methods, the apparent increase of T with aquifer volume does not occur. Groundwater practitioners have to change their view and use models that do not show this effect.

By using intuitive inspection of geological, fracture and connectivity data as well as real pumping test data, this paper shows that up-scaling must be performed with an exponential decaying function, where T always decreases with scale
Two types of heterogeneities exists namely a.) horizontal and b.) vertical. Connectivity between fractures is extremely important in both cases, but it is only in semi-confined and watertable aquifers that the vertical heterogeneities are really important (typical case of fracture dewatering)
{List only- not presented}


The Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellites detect minute temporal variation in the earth's gravitational field at an extraordinary accuracy, in order to make estimation of the total water storage (TWS). GRACE provides a unique opportunity to study and monitor real time water variation in the hydrologic stores (snow, groundwater, surface water and soil moisture) due to increases or decreases in storage. The GRACE monthly TWS data are being used to estimate changes in groundwater storage in the Vaal River Basin for a period (2002 to 2014). The Vaal River Basin has been selected, because it is one of the most water stressed catchments in South Africa; it is well-renowned for its high concentration of industrial activities and urbanized zones. Therefore, in order to meet future water demands, it is critical to monitor and calculate changes in groundwater storages as an important aspect of water management, where such a resource is a key to economic development and social development. Previous studies in the Vaal River Basin were mostly localised focusing mainly on groundwater quality and to a lesser extent groundwater assessment. Hydrological models have been generated for the whole of South Africa, but many of these models do not take into account the groundwater component. Thus, there is a significant gap in the understanding of surface and ground water dynamics in the Vaal River Basin. The paucity of data and monitoring networks are often the limitation in calculating changes in water storage over a large area, particularly in Africa. In this scenario GRACE is a good approach to estimate changes in hydrological storages as it covers large areas and generates real time data. It does not require information on soil moisture, which is often difficult to measure. The accuracy of calculating change in groundwater storage lies in the processing of GRACE data and smoothing radii. For this study, smoothing radii of 1500, 900, 500, 300, 150 and 1 km are used. Currently the associated error with different smoothing radii is unknown. The preliminary results indicate that the study area experienced a loss in TWS of -31.58 mm equivalent water height over a period of 144 months in TWS at 300 km smoothing radius. The change in groundwater storage is calculated by incorporating hydrologic components to the TWS (work in progress). The results obtained from this study will be compared to existing hydrological models and results generated from models applicable to the semi-arid region of South Africa. It is anticipated that this satellite observation technique, GRACE, will provide an accurate estimate of change in groundwater storage. Furthermore, it will show the usefulness of satellite based techniques for improving our understanding of groundwater dynamics, which will improve water management practices.


Accurate parameter estimation for fractured-rock aquifer is very challenging, due to the complexity of fracture connectivity, particular when it comes to artesian flow systems where the potentiometric is above the ground level, such as semi-confined, partially confined and weak confined aquifers in Table Mountain Group (TMG) Aquifer. The parameter estimates of these types of aquifers are largely made through constant-head and recovery test method. However, such a test is seldom carried out in Table Mountain Group Aquifer in South Africa due to a lack of proper testing unit made available for data capturing and appropriate method for data interpretation. An artesian borehole of BH 1 drilled in TMG Peninsula Formation on the Gevonden farm in Western Cape Province was chosen as a case study. The potentiometric surface is above the ground level in rainy season, while it drops to/below ground level during the dry season. A special testing unit was designed and implemented in BH 1 to measure and record the flow rate during the free-flowing period, and the pressure changes during the recovery period. All the data were captured at a function of time for data interpretation at later stage. Curve-fitting software developed with VBA was adopted for parameter estimation based on the constant-head and recovery tests theories. The results indicate that a negative skin zone exists in the immediate vicinity of the artesian borehole, and the hydraulic parameters estimates of transmissivity (T) ranging from 6.9 to 14.7 m2/d and storativity (S) ranging from 2.1*10-5 to 2.1*10-4 appear to be reasonable with measured data collected from early times. However, due to formation losses, the analytical method failed to interpret the data collected at later times. Consequently the analysed results by analytical solution with later stage data are less reliable for this case. The MODFLOW-2000 (Parameter Estimation) package developed by USGS was also adopted to determine these parameters for the same aquifer. It approves that there exist formation losses, which leads to the aquifer response distinctly different at later stage of overflow and recovery tests. The aquifer parameter estimates with early time data of tests by analytical and numerical methods show that there is generally good agreement. However, significant errors could be generated by analytical method applied where there is occurrence of well or formation losses, while these restrictions could be overcome by applying a numerical method.


The increasing water demand for the Northern Cape Province initiated the feasibility study to augment and/or upgrade the Vaal Gamagara Water Supply (VGWS) scheme. The study completed in 2011, recommended the upgrade of the total VGWS scheme to supply the water demand of users for the planning horizon to 2030. However, short term water demand and to augment the water from the Vaal River could also be sourced from groundwater and/or mine dewatering. This resulted in the detailed assessment of the exploitation potential of three groundwater development target areas namely SD1, SD2 and SD4, largely underlain by karst aquifers. The intrusive work done on the Vaal Gamagara target areas is arguably one of the largest groundwater investigations of modern time for South Africa. This paper describes the development of the 3-dimensional groundwater flow models for the three target areas as part of this investigation. The software code chosen for the modelling work was the program SPRING which uses the finite-element approximation to solve the groundwater flow equation.

Each conceptual groundwater model developed was converted into a multi-layer numerical flow model for each groundwater development area and calibrated against observed heads, spring flows and long term water level monitoring data. Once the models demonstrated to reasonably reproduce past behaviour, they were used to forecast the outcome of future groundwater behaviour (i.e. abstraction from the well fields). Three large scale transient groundwater models have been built to analyse regional flow systems, to simulate water budget component changes, and to optimize groundwater development on a ‘sustainable’ basis. Different scenarios were developed for each target area to study the impact of different recharge scenarios and variable abstraction rates on the groundwater development of the area. Several simulations were carried out iteratively to identify the necessary number, optimal pumping rates and the temporal variability of the withdrawal period. While the proposed abstraction rates for all three groundwater regions (SD1, SD2 and SD4) of 13 million m3 / annum are considered as ‘sustainable’, by definition ‘sustainability’ has so determine the balance between economic, social and environmental interest. Perhaps a more applicable term for the long-term abstractions rates for the SD well fields is the maintainable aquifer yield which simply refers to a yield (volume/ time) that can be maintained by reduced discharge or enhanced recharge, without continually mining the aquifer or depleting aquifer storage.


The subsurface has been likened to a maze due to the intricate and often disconnected pathways contained even in unconsolidated and relatively homogeneous aquifer systems. The weathered fractured aquifers in the Karoo offer unique challenges to those planning monitoring campaigns and provide opportunities for the research community to identify innovative solutions. Careful thought needs to be given to the objectives of monitoring as these can change the requirements of the work. Other important considerations are the location and design of monitoring wells which often needs to be tailored to site specific conditions while the selection of determinands to be analysed introduces yet another layer of complexity. These include questions around the relevant detection limits, representative sampling methods and a host of other aspects. Following prescribed approaches designed for managing traditional industrial processes may not be relevant even though these approaches are based on decades of research and learning from past experience, both good and bad. Careful consideration of the technical detail in advance of beginning any monitoring in the field is essential and even then, as in any hydrogeological assessment, a level of uncertainty will always remain. This presentation will cover the status of planning work on Karoo aquifer characterisation and geochemical assessment of the ambient or baseline conditions. Significant effort continues to be made to tailor fieldwork to site specific conditions and be ready to collect a representative data set when conditions allow. {List only- not presented}


Fine ash is a by-product generated during coal combustion and gasification. It is often disposed of as slurry and stored on tailings dams over long periods of time, where it is exposed to weathering. Weathering causes soluble ions to go into solution and to be transported along preferred pathways through the tailings dam. This study was conducted to assess the leaching behaviour of fresh and weathered fine ash and to evaluate the impact on the underlying aquifers. A kinetic test was conducted over 21 weeks to analyse the leachate composition of progressively-aged fine ash and to calculate the release rates for major ions and trace metals of environmental concern. The leachate composition was compared to the groundwater composition of the underlying aquifers to assess the environmental impact of long term ash leaching. The study showed that the release rate of Ca decreased with increasing depth and age of the fine ash. The release rate of Mg, Na, K, Mo, V, Ba, Cr and Mo increased slightly between 22 m and 28 m in the tailings dam. Aluminium had a decreasing release rate from 28 m depth onwards. It was concluded that fine ash leaching influenced the water composition of the underlying aquifers because similarities were observed in the water type trend. The shallow aquifer south of the tailings dam contained Ca/Mg/SO4/Cl/NO3 water with a significant increase in Ca, Mg, Na, Cl and SO4 over time. These ions were expected to be found in the pollution plume due to their high release rate observed in the fine ash. The deeper aquifer northeast and south of the tailings dam showed a reverse trend of decreasing Ca, Mg and NO3 with time. This is possibly due to decreasing release rates in the aging fine ash and due to the cation exchange capacity (CEC) of the aquifer retarding the movement of Ca and Mg in the pollution plume. The shallower aquifer northwest of the tailings dam showed a decrease in Ca and Mg but an increase in K, while the water composition of the deeper aquifer increased in Ca, Mg, Na, K and Cl. This indicates that the pollution plume moved from the shallower to the deeper aquifer and that most of the Ca and Mg content in the fine ash has been leached from the tailings dam after more than 30 years of storage. The study confirmed that leaching of elements from the fine ash tailings dam had a negative influence on the underlying aquifers and that the clay lining was not sufficient in retaining the leachate.


The Cedarville Flats aquifer located in the Upper Umzimvubu River Basin, Eastern Cape Province is a source of water supply for an important agricultural region in South Africa. The hydrogeology of this important aquifer is investigated to understand the occurrence, circulation, recharge and quality of groundwater. To this end, local and regional geology, borehole lithological logs, borehole yields, aquifer hydraulic characteristics (including aquifer thickness, water level, hydraulic conductivity, transmissivity and storage coefficient), hydrometeorological, hydrochemicaland environmental isotope data were collected and interpreted. The results show that the alluvial aquifer is made up of sand, gravel, boulders and clay and its thickness reaches 51 meters in places. Median hydraulic properties indicate that the Cedarville Flats primary aquifer is the most productive aquifer compared to the underlying Molteno and Burgersdorp Formations. It has an estimated median borehole yield in the order of 6 l/s as compared to 2 l/s for the Burgersdorp and 1.5 liters for the Molteno Formations. The aquifers in the area receive an estimated 7% of rainfall recharge. The groundwaters of the area are characterized by low ionic concentration with EC and TDS ranging from 235 to 285 ?S/cm and from 65 to 151 mg/l, respectively. The hydrochemical data further indicate a groundwater hydrochemical facies of either Ca-Na-Mg-HCO3 or Na-Ca-Mg-HCO3 highlighting a typically less evolved recharge area groundwater having short residence time and hence less water-rock interaction. Springs and artesian wells show a relatively depleted stable isotope and very low to dead tritium signals indicating high altitude recharge and longer circulation path and residence times compared to wells tapping the water table aquifer which indicate young water with recharge coming from the immediate surrounding area. Similarity in hydrochemical and stable isotope signatures between the streams that drain across the alluvial flats and the shallow groundwaters mean that there is a close interconnection between surface water and groundwater in the area.


When considering how to reduce contamination of petroleum hydrocarbons in shallow aquifers, it is important to recognize the considerable capacity of natural processes continuously at work within the secondary sources of contamination. This natural processes are technically referred to as Monitored Natural Attenuation (MNA), a process whereby petroleum hydrocarbons are deteriorated naturally by microbes. This approach of petroleum hydrocarbon degradation relies on microbes which utilise oxygen under aerobic processes and progressively utilises other constituents (sulphates, nitrates, iron and manganese) under anaerobic processes. MNA process is mostly evident when light non-aqueous phase liquids (LNAPLs) has been removed while the dissolved phase hydrocarbon compounds are prominent in the saturated zone. The case studies aim at determining feasibility and sustainability of Monitored Natural Attenuation process at different sites with varying geological setting.


This study explores some of the principle issues associated with quantifying surface and groundwater interactions and the practical application of models in a data scarce region such as South Africa. The linkages between the various interdependent components of the water cycle are not well understood, especially in those regions that suffer problems of data scarcity and there remain urgent requirements for regional water resource assessments. Hydrology (both surface and groundwater hydrology) is a difficult science; it aims to represent highly variable and non-stationary processes which occur in catchment systems, many of which are unable to be measured at the scales of interest (Beven, 2012). The conceptual representations of these processes are translated into mathematical form in a model. Different process interpretations together with different mathematical representations results in the development of diverse model structures. These structural uncertainties are difficult to resolve due to the lack of relevant data. Further uncertainty is introduced when parameterising a model, as the more complex the model, the greater the possibility that many different parameter sets within the model structure might give equally acceptable results when compared with observations. Incomplete and often flawed input data are then used to drive the models and generate quantitative information. Approximate implementations (model structures and parameter sets), driven by approximate input data will necessarily produce approximate results. Most model developers aim to represent reality as far as possible, and as our understanding of hydrological processes has improved, models have tended to become more complex. Beven (2002) highlighted the need for a better philosophy toward modelling than just a more explicit representation of reality and argues that the true level of uncertainty in model predictions is not widely appreciated. Model testing has limited power as it is difficult to differentiate between the uncertainties within different model structures, different sets of alternative parameter values and in the input data used to run a model. A number of South African case studies are used to examine the types of data typically available and explore the extent to which a model is able to be validated considering the difficulty in differentiating between the various sources of uncertainty. While it is difficult to separate input data, parameter and structural uncertainty, the study found that it should be possible to at least partly identify the uncertainty by a careful examination of the evidence for specific processes compared with the conceptual structure of a specific model. While the lack of appropriate data means there will always be considerable uncertainty surrounding model validation, it can be argued that improved process understanding in an environment can be used to validate model outcomes to a degree, by assessing whether a model is getting the right results for the right reasons.


Static indicator tests, such as acid-base accounting, are commonly used to provide an indication of ARD potential of backfill material in opencast coal mines. This potential for acidity is then commonly incorporated into numerical models, wrongfully, as a constant contamination source with the maximum possible sulphate being released from the pit, ad infinitum, which is, obviously, not the case. Dynamic tests on the other hand, are considered superior, but are expensive and time consuming. The proposed alternative approach is geochemical modelling, illustrated by a case study in the Mpumalanga coal fields. A decommissioned colliery near Carolina, Mpumalanga, was recently confronted with the prediction of the impacts that its backfilled opencasts might have on groundwater in the long term with regards to acid and contaminant generation, demanding a more realistic and well-defined conceptual and numerical approach than the simple minimum screening method. This study utilised the integration of a well-defined conceptual model, mineralogical data, acid-base accounting data, leaching test data, literature and groundwater monitoring data to address the long term hydrogeochemical evolution of groundwater at the colliery, using transiently calibrated geochemical and numerical flow models. Using the mineralogical data available from samples collected, as well as the sulphur content identified by ABA, a standard error was calculated for the abundances of all mineral phases present along with mean weight percentages, defining the likely boundaries of mineral abundances. Using these values along with reactive surface areas calculated from average grain sizes, using a collapsing core model, as well as rate constants from literature, the fluid rock interaction in the leaching tests was simulated and calibrated against leaching test results in the geochemical model, by varying mineral abundances, reactive surface areas and rate constants within the statistically acceptable boundaries. Once a calibrated mineral assemblage was identified using this method, the assemblage was geochemically modelled in the natural environment, after calculation of fluid to rock ratios, which in this case was purely potential backfill porosity vs. recharge due to the natural groundwater level being below the pit base, as well as potential oxygen fugacity. The calculated concentrations of constituents were then introduced into a transiently calibrated numerical flow and transport model via recharge concentrations, to also chemically calibrate this model. The chemical calibration was successful within a 20 mg/L range, illustrating the reliability of the conceptual and geochemical models, but also the reliability of predicted numerical modelling results. Based on the available data and modelling results, the colliery would not have a future impact on groundwater with regards to ARD and metals. However, elevated major cation and anion concentrations are expected, calculated within order of magnitude accuracy, and can be managed according to dynamic and realistic models, instead of a static worst case scenario.


LNAPL present in a monitoring well forms part of the broader groundwater system and is effectively influenced by hydrogeological conditions, which are always changing. Monitoring of LNAPL is therefore of utmost importance to identify and assess the LNAPL hydrogeological conditions. Both groundwater and LNAPL can exist as unconfined and confined. Groundwater is unconfined when the upper boundary is the water table and is confined as a result of the presence of a confining layer with a relatively low vertical hydraulic conductivity that inhibits the flow of all liquids. LNAPL becomes unconfined when the apparent free product thickness increases with a decreasing groundwater elevation and confined when apparent free product thickness increases with an increasing groundwater elevation. The LNAPL is confined as a result of the difference between the capillary properties of the mobile LNAPL zone and its confining layer. Specifically, LNAPL is confined when it cannot overcome the pore entry pressure of the confining unit. Consequently, LNAPL may be confined when groundwater is not. The paper attempts to describe the hydrogeological conditions in case histories of both primary and fractured aquifers and illustrate how to identify and assess the conditions. Data such as free phase and groundwater level monitoring, well logs, sieving of soil and LNAPL bail tests are used as assessment tools. The additional required data is gathered and integrated in the conceptual site model, followed by a revision of the CSM and a refinement of decision goals over time. Thus the CSM matures and enables an improved understanding of the site characteristics and the re-adjustment of decision criteria. {List only- not presented}


Complementary use of electromagnetic frequency domain and electrosiesmic geophysical exploration methods in groundwater exploration in Zimbabwe.
Joseph M Zulu, Josrum Enterprises No. 129 A Fort Street, Albion Flats, 2nd Floor, Office Suite 5
Room 3, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. Email Address: [email protected].
Geophysical survey methods and divining are commonly used in groundwater exploration. In view of the current costs of drilling boreholes and fear of drilling a dry borehole, most people prefer the use of geophysical survey methods to have their boreholes sited. Some prefer the use of diving methods for initial siting and then confirmation of the identified site using geophysical survey methods. The key principle being complementarity of the methods to confirm the presence of water at the identified site. Electrical resistivity method and electromagnetic frequency domain methods are popular in ground water exploration in Zimbabwe, with electrical resistivity being the method of choice by many investigators. A new approach in groundwater exploration is proposed where complementarity of geophysical methods is exploited. A complementary approach of using geophysical methods in conjunction with geology, where two methods are used in investigating a site is proposed. In the study the latest technology in groundwater exploration, electrosiesmic survey method was used to complement the electromagnetic frequency domain method in various geological environments. Electromagnetic profiles were carried out on the target areas. Inversion was done on the collected and results presented as a pseudo section. Anomalies identified were further investigated using electrosiesmic sounding. The results of the sounding were presented in the form of a sounding curve. The subsurface layer thicknesses were calculated using forward modelling assuming the typical seismic velocity values of waves generated when passing through geological formations in the areas under investigation. The geology of areas studied include granite, greenstone, Kalahari sands, sandstones, mudstones and basalt of the Karoo stratigraphy. The approach produced impressive results. High yielding borehole sites were identified and successfully drilled in areas where it had been accepted that it was difficult to get water or in areas where it had been accepted there was no groundwater. Comparison of driller's log with models generated from geophysical survey results was also done.
Key words: electromagnetic, electroseismic, geology, complementarity, groundwater.
I acknowledge that this work has not been published elsewhere.


Coal constitutes 77% of the primary energy needs in the country, with the Waterberg Coalfield estimated to host about 40% of the remaining South African coal resources. The Karoo coals were deposited in a reduced environment that have the potential to produce sulphides within the sediments they are hosted. The sulphur content within the coal can range from 0.1 wt.% to as high as 10 wt.%. Mining generates a disturbance in the natural groundwater levels and affects the surrounding water chemistry when sulphate is produced as a result of pyrite oxidation. Acid base accounting (ABA) was used to determine the balance between the acid producing potential (AP) and acid neutralizing potential (NP). From the analysis the Net Neutralising Potential (NNP) classified samples as either acid or non-acid producing. ARD does not only result in the generation of acid but is accompanied by decreased pH and increased values of specific conductance, dissolved metals and sulphate. The ABA results showed that interburden and coal samples have higher risks of producing acid upon oxidation than overburden samples. Higher concentrations of neutralising minerals are present in overburden samples. ABA indicated that the material 60m below ground surface had a higher acid producing potential than the material above. The analysis from kinetic tests showed the long-term behaviour of different samples, with the electrical conductivity (EC) and pH changing over time. Samples with lower pH continued to produce more sulphate, while calcium continued to increase until it was depleted from the samples. Inductively coupled plasma analysis determined the release of the heavy metals which can be detrimental to the environment, such as As, Co, Ni and Pb. The water demand will increase as mining continues in the area, with inter-catchment transfers identified to overcome local water scarcity issues. ARD poses a big threat to both groundwater and surface water resources.


Environmental isotope techniques have been successfully applied in the field of hydrogeology over the last couple of decades and have proved useful for understanding groundwater systems. This paper describes a study of the environmental isotopes for Oxygen (18O) and Hydrogen (1H, 2H-Deutrium, 3H-Tritium) obtained from various points in and around the underground coal gasification (UCG) site in Majuba, South Africa. UCG is an alternative mining method, targeting deep coal seams that are regarded as uneconomical to mine. The process extracts the energy by gasifying the coal in-situ to produce a synthetic gas that can be used for various applications. The site consists of shallow, intermediate and deep aquifer systems at a depth of 70m, 180 and 300m respectively. The intermediate aquifer is further divided into the upper and lower aquifer systems.
Samples were taken from each aquifer system together with supplementary samples from the Witbankspruit and an on-site water storage dam. A total of 15 samples were submitted for isotope analyses. By investigating the various isotopic signatures from all the samples taken, it will be possible to determine if there are similar or contrasting isotopic compositions by deducing possible water source for each sample due to isotopic fractionation caused by physical, chemical and biological processes. This will also be supported by deducing the mean residence time (MRT) for each water source sampled based on the Tritium data as well as the chemistry data already available for different sources. The chemistry data established linkages between the upper and lower intermediate aquifers.{List only- not presented}
Key words: Environmental isotopes, UCG, Water source, Isotope fractionation


The eastern coastal plain of South Africa has one of the outstanding natural wetland and coastal sites of Africa. The estuaries are complex and dynamic systems sustained by both groundwater and surface water. These systems are driven primarily by changing sea level and fluctuating climatic conditions, especially river runoff and sedimentation rates, which have been heavily affected by land use change. The largest lake, St Lucia, lies at the bottom end of several rivers, some of which have major afforestation within their catchments. Given that there is a strong connection between surface water and groundwater, a significant driver of the reduced river runoff constitutes reduced groundwater baseflows due to the lowering of groundwater levels in the upstream reaches of the lake's catchments. The remaining large lakes (Lake Sibaya and the Kosi Bay Lake system) are largely groundwater driven and are also affected by increasing impacts on the groundwater sustaining the lakes. There is an urgent need to quantify the impact of land use change, particularly increasing plantation forestry, on these coastal estuarine systems. While previous work has been undertaken to better understand the complex environment, this study examines the coastal environment (Lake St Lucia, Lake Sibaya and the Kosi Bay lakes) in an integrated manner and considers the impacts of various land use activities on the system, both in the 'buffer zone' surrounding the lakes and within the upstream reaches of the river catchments. The study builds on previous investigations and utilises results from existing models as well as available field data. The integrated Pitman Model is used to model the groundwater/surface water dynamics and will be validated using existing numerical model results, observed stream flow, groundwater levels and lake level information. While the model has been established at a quaternary catchment scale for the upstream reaches of the rivers, the downstream reaches have been modelled at smaller spatial scales dictated by groundwater flow directions. A wetland sub-model has been established to represent the numerous and varied wetlands while a specific sub-model has been developed to represent the hydrodynamics of Lake St Lucia and its complex connections to the sea. The currently ongoing study aims to quantify the current and future land use change impacts on the groundwater and surface water resources sustaining the lakes.


2-D Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) and hydrochemical study have been conducted at El Sadat industrial city. The study aims at investigating the area around the waste water ponds to determine the possibility of water percolation from the wastewater (oxidation) ponds to the Pleistocene aquifer and to inspect the effect of this seepage on the groundwater chemistry. Pleistocene aquifer is the main groundwater reservoir in this area, where El Sadat city and its vicinities depend totally on this aquifer for water supplies needed for drinking, agricultural and industrial activities. In this concern, 7 ERT profiles were measured around the wastewater ponds.

Besides, 10 water samples were collected from the ponds and the nearby groundwater wells. The water samples have been chemically analyzed for major cations (Ca+2, Na+, K+, Mg+2), major anions (Cl-, CO3-2, HCO3-, SO4-2), nutrients (NO2-, NO3-, PO4-3) and heavy elements (Cd, V, Cr, Zn, Ni, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb). Also, the physical parameters (pH, Alkalinity, EC, TDS) of the water samples were measured. Inspection of the ERT sections shows that they exhibit lower resistivity values towards the water ponds and higher values in opposite sides. Also, the water table was detected at shallower depths at the same sides of lower resistivity. This could indicate a wastewater infiltration to the groundwater aquifer near the oxidation ponds. Correlation of the physical parameters and ionic concentrations of the wastewater (ponds) samples with those of the groundwater samples indicates that; the ionic levels are randomly varying and no specific trend could be obtained. Also, the wastewater samples shows some ionic levels lower than those detected in other groundwater samples. Besides, the nitrate level is higher in samples taken from the cultivated land than the wastewater samples due to the over using of nitrogen fertilizers. Then, we can say that the infiltrated water from wastewater ponds are NOT the main controller of the groundwater chemistry in this area, but rather the variable ionic concentrations could be attributed to local, natural and anthropogenic processes.


The management of groundwater inflows into an opencast colliery in Mpumalanga is normally fairly easily achievable due to low inflow volumes and high evaporation rates. But, when flooded underground mine workings are encountered, groundwater inflow complexity increases dramatically. Understanding, predicting and managing groundwater inflow under these conditions can be challenging and highly complex. While normal opencast inflows are easily modelled these connected mines are pushing numerical models to their limits. This case study aims to illustrate an approach based on a finite difference model that has been used successfully in a South African coal mine. Based on a study at a colliery near Ermelo, Mpumalanga, the understanding and conceptualisation of the aquifer geometry, geological structures, hydrogeology, defunct underground mine geometry and interconnection between opencasts and the underground, proved to be vital, not only in calibration of the model, but also in the construction of the various layers and calculation of flow volumes between the various sources and sinks. This also aided greatly in constant source contaminant transport modelling to trace which mining areas may have a contamination effect on each other or the surrounding aquifer. In constructing the numerical flow model, the underground mine geometry was found to intersect various layers in the MODFLOW based model and pinching out in some areas. Due to the requirement of MODFLOW that layers should be continuous with no pinchouts to the model boundaries, this presented a notable challenge in the model construction. Therefore, mine geometry was divided into various slices, fitting within the hydrogeological layers, but still retaining the original geometry. The layers were then further divided laterally using different materials to represent the mine hydraulic properties and aquifer properties respectively, ensuring that the lateral distribution of materials also represents the underground mine geometry accurately. Using this model construction, the calculated mean residual head for the simulation of the current situation was found to be less than 3m while the simulation of the current mining situation with no underground mine present, yielded a mean residual head of approximately 10m. Additionally, inflows measured in the opencast penetrating the underground were measured at approximately 1000m3/d while the calibrated model calculated inflows of 1160m3/d, while simulating the current mining situation including the defunct underground. The current decant from the defunct underground, to the southeast of the site, was calculated as 1.9 L/s by the model while the measured rate was just over 1 L/s. Also, as expected, the dewatering of the opencast penetrating the flooded, defunct underground mine, was calculated to predominantly impact an underground mine compartment, isolated by underground seals, as opposed to the aquifer, which has a much lower hydraulic conductivity. {List only- not presented}


A groundwater decision support system (DSS) that incorporates stakeholder participation has been developed for Siloam Village in Limpopo Province, South Africa. Residents of Siloam Village are dependent on groundwater to augment inadequate pipe borne water supply. This creates the need for a DSS that ensures efficient and sustainable management and utilization of water. Such a DSS is constituted of both quantitative and qualitative components. The study further proposes framework for implementation of the DSS which incorporates community participation. This will act as a tool for empowering and educating the communities in rural villages so that they can be able to manage their water resources. The developed DSSs will make it possible for Siloam community to operate their water supply systems efficiently taking into account environmental needs and water quality


Table Mountain reaches 1086m elevation, the upper half of which comprises Table Mountain Group (TMG) quartzite with extensive fracture porosity. The lower half of the mountain comprises a mixture of Cape Granite intruded into Malmesbury Group metapelites, both of which are poor aquifers, but are in places overlain by scree slopes predominantly composed of TMG quartzite boulders. The region experiences a Mediterranean climate with warm, dry summers and cold, wet winters, with rainfall ranging from 600-1600mm/a depending largely on proximity to the mountain. Several springs issue from the slopes of the mountain, ranging in elevation from 15-410masl and in flow from non-perennial to 30L/s. Water chemistry reveals very little about spring water flow, as the waters have very low dissolved solids. Samples of 10 of these springs were taken twice per year for 3 years while rainwater was sampled at 120masl at the University of Cape Town (UCT) and at 1074masl at the Upper Cableway Station. These samples were analysed for oxygen and hydrogen stable isotope composition, mostly by mass spectrometer, but also by laser spectroscopy. The isotope results reveal an altitude gradient between the two rainfall stations of -0.075?/100m for ?D and -0.48?/100m for ?18O. Employing this isotope gradient, the average recharge altitude for the springs is 304masl, compared to an average discharge altitude of 156masl. Using this difference in altitude and the average slope of the terrain, a typical flow path of 1km from recharge to discharge point can be derived. Additionally, there are shifts in the weighted annual mean isotope composition of rainfall at UCT. For the years 2010-2012, the shifts are paralleled by similar shifts in the mean isotope composition at the springs for each of those years. This suggests rainfall discharges in the same winter season it has been recharged. In combination with the evidence for long term reliability of some of the springs over the dry season and during droughts, this suggests a layered flow of groundwater in the scree aquifer, allowing both long term steady discharge of deeper groundwater, as well as short term discharge of recently recharged rain. In combination with the flow path derived above, hydraulic conductivities in the realm of 10-20m/d can be calculated for the scree aquifers.


POSTER About 97% of the earth's freshwater fraction is groundwater, excluding the amount locked in ice caps (Turton et al 2007) and is often the only source of water in arid and semi-arid regions and plays a critical role in agriculture, this dependency results in over-exploitation, depletion and pollution (Turton et al 2007). Groundwater governance helps prevent these issues. CSIR defines governance as the process of informed decision making that enables trade between competing users of a given resource, as to balance protection and use in such a way as to mitigate conflicts, enhance security, ensure sustainability and hold government officials accountable for their actions (Turton et al 2007). Realising the issues of groundwater governance is a requirement for developing policy recommendations for both national and trans-boundary groundwater governance. Groundwater level decline has led to depletion in storage in both confined and unconfined aquifer systems (Theesfeld 2010). There are about six institutional aspects, namely voluntary compliance, traditional and mental models, administrative responsibility and bureaucratic inertia, conflict resolution mechanisms, political economy and information deficits (Theesfeld 2010). Each of these aspects represents institutional challenges for national and international policy implementation. Traditional local practices should not be disregarded when new management schemes or technological innovations are implemented. The types of policies that impact governance include regulatory instruments, economic instruments and voluntary/advisory instruments. Regulatory or command and control policy instruments such as ownership and property right assignments and regulations for water use are compulsory. Economic policy instruments make use of financial reasons such as groundwater pricing, trading water right or pollution permits, subsidies and taxes. Voluntary /advisory policy instruments are those that influence voluntary actions or behavioural change without agreement or direct financial incentives. These are ideal types though no policy option ever relies purely on one type of instrument. The aim of these policies is to have an impact on governance structures (Theesfeld 2010). The national water act (1998) of the Republic of South Africa is not widely recognized as the most comprehensive water law in the world even though it is the highlight of socio-political events; socially it is still recent in most sites although the law was implemented 15 years ago (Schreiner and Koppen 2002). Regulations for use include quantity limitations, drilling permits and licensing, use licenses, special zone of conservation and reporting and registering requirement. In general when drilling and well construction are done commercially they increasingly fall under the scope of regulatory legislation. This paper will focus mostly on traditional and mental models; procedures that a certain community is dependent on should be taken into account before replacing with technological advanced tools. Consultation of the public can cause conflicts which lead to poor groundwater management.

Keywords: Groundwater governance, policy, policy instruments.


Aurecon was appointed to conduct groundwater exploration for production well fields in the towns of Setlagole and Madibogo. These towns are located in an arid part of the North West province on the edge of the Kalahari. The landscape is flat and covered by aeolian sand underlain by basement granite of the Kraaipan Group Geology.
Historically groundwater exploration consisted of reconnaissance geophysical surveys followed by detail ground surveys. Where no potentially water bearing geological structures are shown on geological maps & aerial photos, the project area would be divided into a grid on which the ground geophysical survey would be done. This type of exploration is time consuming and expensive. In some cases the terrain or cultural noise prohibits the use of conventional geophysical methods, with only more expensive and time consuming methods being left as an option. This is where the high resolution airborne magnetic survey excels. The results obtained from this type of survey are of such nature that only a small amount of ground geophysics is necessary to locate drilling targets. This survey method is also cost effective allowing a larger area to be covered in a short amount of time as compared to conventional ground techniques.
This paper will discuss successes achieved using high resolution aeromagnetic surveys as the basis for groundwater exploration in traditionally low-yielding igneous geology.


Define chemical signatures from river waters collected in the Crocodile (West) and Marico Water Management Areas, South Africa. Samples were analysed for anion complexes using Ion Chromatography (IC) and major and trace element chemistry using quadrupole Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (q-ICP-MS). Results are used to define the various chemical signatures resulting from activities within the study area which include mining, agriculture, industry, residential and domestic, and recreational usage and to differentiate the 'background' that arises from the natural geological heterogeneity. The aim of this characterisation is to fingerprint the chemical signatures of various anthropogenic activities irrespective of background. Results from this investigation have been mapped using GIS to visualise the data across the study area. Based on the results, the contamination sources within the area can be identified and ranked in terms of their contribution to the total effective contamination received at Hartebeespoort Dam. {List only- not presented}


South Africa is a country at the forefront of the solar energy revolution. Each solar energy plant implementation results in further supply of clean renewable energy to the South African electric grid, thus playing a part in helping South Africa meet its renewable energy targets, in addition to stimulating long-term economic development and creating new jobs. Active solar techniques include the use of photovoltaic systems, concentrated solar power and solar water heating to harness the energy. Particular focus has recently been on the use of concentrated solar power technology which is better able to address the issues of scalability and electric storage. The process includes the use of a liquid salt solution and also requires a reliable water source. When applying for a new solar energy plant, a geohydrological assessment is required to inform the Environmental Impact Assessment. SolarReserve South Africa (Pty) Ltd responsibly take this one step further by requesting detailed geohydrological assessments including drilling and field testing, numerical modelling and simulations, and detailed impact analysis. Of particular consideration in these assessments is the potential for groundwater to meet the plants water needs, as well as the assessment of risk and potential groundwater contamination impact from failure in the lining of the evaporation ponds. This paper describes the 'best practice' approach that has been formulated and undertaken for some previously proposed sites, and is now recommended for future use in the groundwater impact assessment of future proposed solar energy plants in South Africa. It makes use of a SolarReserve case study example, located at the farm Kalkaar near Jacobsdal in the Free State Province, to explain the main steps in the process and how the results of using this approach are important inputs in the assessment of impacts, decision-making regarding go/no-go, technology used, infrastructure and site layout, and responsible management and monitoring of the groundwater in the future.


The Dahomey Basin is a transboundary sedimentary basin with its eastern half in south western Nigeria. The vulnerability assessment of the basin was carried out to ascertain the degree of the shallow unconfined aquifers sensitive to groundwater contamination through the investigations of the intrinsic properties of lithology over the unconfined aquifer systems. The basin is a multi-layered aquifer system hosting large population densities particularly in Lagos where nearly half of the population rely on the groundwater for domestics and industrial purposes. The vulnerability evaluation involves determining the protective cover and infiltration condition of the unsaturated zone in the basin. This was achieved using the PI vulnerability method of the European vulnerability approach. The PI method specifically measures the protection cover and the degree to which the protective cover is bypassed. Intrinsic parameters assessed were the subsoil, lithology, topsoil, recharge and fracturing for the protective cover. While, the saturated hydraulic conductivity of topsoil, infiltration processes and the lateral surface and subsurface flow were evaluated for the infiltration bypassed. The results were depicted in vulnerability maps. Map of the protective cover ranges from high to very high. This means a very effective cover over the groundwater resources. The I map revealed a low to very low degree of bypass. The final vulnerability map shows that the Dahomey Basin vulnerability ranges from moderate to very low vulnerability areas. Low vulnerability areas were characterised by lithology with massive sandstone and limestone, sub soils of sandy loam texture, high slopes and high depth to water table. The moderate vulnerability areas were characterised by high rainfall and high recharge, low water table, unconsolidated sandstones and alluvium lithology. The vulnerability map was validated with hydrochemical properties of the groundwater. Chloride and TDS concentration of the groundwater reveals high chloride concentration for low groundwater vulnerability areas while low chloride concentrations were observed for moderate vulnerability areas. Low to moderate groundwater vulnerability areas show low TDS concentrations according to the WHO standards except for the coastal areas with relatively higher TDS concentrations. The groundwater vulnerability maps will be a useful tool for planning land use activities which will minimise groundwater contamination and enhance the protection of the Dahomey Basin groundwater resources.
{List only- not presented}
Keywords: PI method, Dahomey Basin, aquifer vulnerability, protective cover, groundwater resources.


In recent years there has been renewed interested in identifying and understanding groundwater resources. Airborne electromagnetic (AEM) surveys can provide useful, cost effective information about the geometry of aquifers and their host rocks. TEMPEST is a fixed wing AEM system which has been used extensively for groundwater applications. The system possesses many attributes which aid in groundwater exploration including: broad operational bandwidth; multifaceted software approach; and, a distinctive calibration technique. These features allow both shallow and deep subsurface features to be imaged which aid in mapping groundwater aquifers along with the broader groundwater subsystem. This paper will review TEMPEST surveys flown for the Western Australian Department of Water (DoW) for the purpose of groundwater characterisation. The surveys were focussed on the identification of geological contacts, subsurface aquifers and seawater intrusion extents. The survey data was interpreted using an integrated approach which involved reviewing the newly acquired geophysical data, identifying contacts and anomalous features in the acquired data, reviewing existing geological and geophysical data in the area and correlating features identified in acquired data to known geology. The first case study was flown over the North Gnangara area of the Perth Basin with the primary aim of defining the spatial distribution of clay and silty layers that impede recharge to the groundwater table. The survey succeeded in achieving its primary aim of identifying the distribution of clay layer targets. Through the integrated interpretation approach it was also successful in achieving its secondary aims by clearly defining the contact between superficial units and the underlying stratigraphy, identifying key structures within the basin, outlining the top of the seawater intrusion, and mapping confining strata within the deeper aquifer systems in the Perth Basin. The second case study was flown over the lower reaches of four river systems in the North Pilbara coast with the aim of understanding the aquifer geometries and groundwater salinity distribution within the region. The primary aims of the survey were achieved and provided a basement geology map, relative porosity maps, approximate weathered and unweathered bedrock surfaces as well as the approximate geometry of the seawater intrusion within all survey areas. It was also possible to map the interpreted extents of alluvial aquifers within two of the river systems as well as the contact between two sandstone aquifers present in one of the river systems. These case studies show that the TEMPEST AEM system can provide valuable information about the geometry of aquifers and their host geology. AEM surveys should be used as an initial method for determining broad aquifer geometry and the identification of priority areas prior to further less cost effective water bore drilling.


POSTER Aquifer stress arising from urbanization and agricultural activities, these two factors affect aquifer properties when prolonged. Increase in urbanization especially those situated on top unconfined or semi-confined aquifer results in pressure on natural resources, this includes water resources, and changes of land use for agricultural purposes with high economic benefits has an effect on groundwater quality to due to application of Nitrogen- fertilizers during crop rotation and this is largely experienced in developing countries. The effects ranges from groundwater quality to aquifer storage as prolonged aquifer withdrawals due to irrigation, construction, manufacturing affects groundwater storage. Assessment of urbanization and agricultural effects on groundwater requires a complex analysis as integration approaches needs to be discovered for a better analysis of the two more specially when assessing groundwater pollution. The study was conducted to assess the impacts of urbanization and agricultural activities on aquifer storage and groundwater quality: by (a) determining the relationship between the occurrence of contamination due to urbanization by assessing contaminants present in the study area (b) develop groundwater protection, and if any offer recommendation for groundwater management. Multiple-well tests were conducted observing the behavior of drawdown and recovery for assessing groundwater storage. Two aquifer properties were observed to yield information about any changes in aquifer storage (transmissivity and storage coefficient) and groundwater quality lab test focusing on TDS, nitrate and pH were conducted. Historical results reflect that before industrial and urban revolution the groundwater contained small amounts of TDS compared with the present results. Increase in nitrate and pH concentrations observed in location closer to agricultural areas. Prolonged aquifer withdrawals increases expansion of cone of depression and therefore increases aquifer vulnerability and the risk of aquifer being polluted, and this increases storage coefficient. This study can be used to formulate protection zones for water resources and practice towards groundwater management.


The Bedford Dam is the upper storage dam for the Ingula Pumped Storage Scheme and is situated in the Ingula/Bedford Wetland. This wetland has a high structural diversity which supports a unique assemblage of plants and invertebrates. The flow regulation and water purification value is of particular importance as the wetland falls within the Greater Vaal River catchment. Concern was raised with respect to the potential negative impact of the newly constructed dam on the dynamic water balance within the wetland. An assessment of the extent to which groundwater drives / sustains the wetland systems and the water requirements needed to sustain the wetland processes was determined. This includes establishing the impact of the Bedford Dam on the groundwater and wetland systems as well as providing recommendations on management and monitoring requirements. The hydropedological interpretations of the soils within the study area indicate that baseflow to the wetland is maintained through perennial groundwater, mainly recharged from infiltration on the plateau, and was confirmed through isotope sampling and hydrometric measurements. It is apparent that the surface flows in the main wetland are fed by recent sources, while the subsurface layers in the wetland are sustained by the slower moving near-surface and bedrock groundwater. The movement of groundwater towards the wetland is hindered by the numerous dykes creating a barrier to flow. Nevertheless, there seems to be a good connection between the groundwater sources in the upland and the surface drainage features that conduct this water to the contributing hillslopes adjacent to the main wetland. The surface flows of the main wetland are sustained by contributions from tributary fingers. The discharge out of the wetland is highly seasonal


The manner in which municipal and industrial wastes generated are disposed in the urban areas in Nigeria is worrisome. The practice of dumping solid wastes in abandoned burrow-pits or valley and the discharge of liquid wastes directly on soils or surface water without any form of treatment has resulted in soil and water pollution. The continuous release of dangerous gases into the atmosphere by industries unabated has contributed to air pollution. These inadequate waste disposal techniques have created serious environmental and health challenges. Due to increasing population growth rate, urbanization, industrialization and economic growth, there has been a phenomenal increase in the volume of wastes generated daily and handling of these wastes have constituted an environmental problem. The need to manage these wastes in an environmentally-friendly manner that will guarantee safety of the soil and water resources lead to the present study. The newly designed waste management landfill incorporates advanced features such as complex multiple liner construction to facilitate organic decomposition and maintain structural integrity. The multiple protective layers and regular monitoring ensure that the waste management landfills exist in harmony with their surrounding environments and communities. These features that enhances maximum protection of soil and water from contamination by plume by decaying waste is lacking in the un-lined open waste dumps been practiced in the country. Pollution abatement, waste reduction, energy saving, health and economic benefits are some of the advantages of the newly designed sanitary landfill system.


Decades of monitoring, characterising, and assessing nitrate concentration distribution and behaviour in the soil profile and it's pathway into groundwater have resulted in a good understanding of its distribution in the country. While the national distribution is of great importance, site specific conditions determine fate, transport, and ultimately concentration in a specific area. Field experimental work included installation of a barrier containing a cheaply available carbon source to treat groundwater. The "reactor"/ tank with dimensions- 1,37m height, 2.15m diameter used for the experiment was slotted for its entire circumference by marking and grinding through the 5mm thick plastic material. The top section was left open to allow for filling and occasional checking of filled material during the experiment. The tank was packed with Eucalyptus globulus woodchips which was freely available at the site. Concentrations of groundwater nitrate at the site were well over what could be expected in any naturally occurring groundwater systems, and would result only by major anthropogenic activities in unconfined aquifer areas of South Africa. The changes in parameter concentrations with time were measured in order to determine the efficiency and life span of the carbon source used for the experiment. This paper considers 35 months of monitoring at a site where a low technology method was implemented. Field implementation was tested at a site which previously experienced some NH4NO3 spills. Main results from the field work showed that nitrate was totally removed at the treatment zone and surrounding boreholes, and even sulphate and NH4+ were removed during the experiment. This shows that the woodchips were successful in affecting denitrification for 35 months. Data also shows that boreholes further downstream from the tank had reduced NO3-, SO42- and NH4+ levels. Using the available biodegradable carbon for the woodchips based on its composition, a barrier lifespan could be determined. The results of calculations showed that the barrier would be effective for at least another 6.9 years from the period of the last sampling date. A total lifespan of about 10 years can thus be estimated.


Globally, a growing concern have been that the heavy metal contents of soil are increasing as the result of industrial, mining, agricultural and domestic activities. While certain heavy metals are essential for plant growth as micronutrients, it may become toxic at higher concentrations. Additionally, as the toxic metals load of the soil increases, the risk of non-localized pollution due to the metals leaching into groundwater increases. The total soil metal content alone is not a good measure of risk, and thus not a very useful tool to determine potential risks to soil and water contamination. The tendency of a contaminant to seep into the groundwater is determined by its solubility and by the ratio between the concentration of the contaminant sorbed by the soil and the concentration remaining in solution. This ratio is commonly known as the soil partitioning or distribution coefficient (Kd). A higher Kd value indicate stronger attraction to the soil solids and lower susceptibility to leaching. Studies indicate that the Kd for a given constituent may vary widely depending on the nature of the soil in which the constituent occurs. The Kd of a soil represents the net effect of several soil sorption processes acting upon the contaminant under a certain set of conditions. Soil properties such as the pH, clay content, organic carbon content and the amount of Mn and Fe oxides, have an immense influence on the Kd value of a soil. Kds for Cu, Pb and V for various typical South African soil horizons were calculated from sorption graphs. In most cases there were contrasting Kd values especially when the cations, Cu and Pb, had high contamination levels, the value for V was low. There is large variation between the Kds stipulated in the Framework for the Management of Contaminated land (as drafted by the Department of Environmental Affairs) and the values obtained experimentally in this study. The results further indicate that a single Kd for an element/metal cannot be used for all soil types/horizons due to the effect of soil properties on the Kd. The results for Cu and Pb indicated that the Kds can range in the order of 10 to 10 000 L/kg for Cu and 10 to 100 000 L/kg for Pb. The variation in V Kd was not as extensive ranging from approximately 10 to 1 000 L/kg. {List only- not presented}


Despite majority of the terrestrial fresh water resources being groundwater, there still exists a public perception that the only source of potable water is from surface water bodies. Due to this misperception, the general public is often ignorant about the importance of groundwater as a resource. This is evident in the lack of appreciation for the Upper and Lower Fountains in Pretoria as the main reason for various historical events in and around Pretoria, leading to it eventually becoming the capital of South Africa. This project, which introduces a broader Hydrological Heritage Overview programme, is intended to create awareness regarding the history and importance in the development of South Africa, and to improve public understanding of the important role that hydrology and hydrogeology is playing in our day to day lives. Additionally, scientific appraisal of historical data will aid the relevant managements to better manage these valuable resources, while making interesting and important archived data available to the scientific community in the form of trend analyses and conceptual models. The paper will showcase a 10-minute narrated video on the importance of groundwater in the history of Pretoria. As part of a water awareness programme to inform the general public about Pretoria's water supply from springs since its founding in 1855, the video depicts the development of the capital city around these springs from its founding to present.


South Africa relies on coal and imported crude oil for most of its energy demands. However, the current high demand for the coal and oil and other sources of energy threat the sustainability of such energy sources, hence, the need to diversity the energy sources. However, these energy sources (coal and oil) are non-renewable sources of energy and the production of energy from renewable sources is almost non-existent. Therefore, the production of shale gas in the main Karoo Basin of South Africa provides a potential and opportunity to diversify South Africa energy mix. In pursuing such an opportunity, one has to be mindful that shale gas is neither sustainable nor a green energy system. This study aims to improve knowledge on groundwater governance arrangements regarding shale gas exploration and production in order to inform the appropriate regulatory regime and best practices to protect groundwater resources. Although there has been much effort to understand the technical implications of shale gas exploration and production on groundwater, not much attention has been given to understanding the broader groundwater governance issues. Addressing groundwater governance issues is critical to effective regulation of unconventional gas exploration and production. This is because; failure of groundwater management often results from inadequate governance arrangements, rather than lack of knowledge about sustainable yield or pollution vulnerability of aquifers. It has been argued that, there exists a perpetual tension between viewing groundwater as a common-resource and the rights of private appropriation of groundwater for use. Thus, groundwater is inherently vulnerable to the "tragedy of the commons" in which actual users and potential polluters act solely in their individual short-term interest rather than taking into account long-term communal considerations. The study provides significant insights regarding appropriate and effective institutional arrangements for groundwater governance.


Multi-data integration approach was used to assess groundwater potential in an area consisting crystalline basement and carbonate rocks that are located in the North West Province of South Africa. The main objective of the study is to evaluate the groundwater resource potential of the region based on a thorough analysis of existing data combined with field observation. Integration of six thematic layers was supplemented by a statistical analysis of the relationship between lineaments density and borehole yield. Prior to data integration, weighting coefficients were computed using principal component analysis.
The resulting thematic layer derived from integration of the six layers revealed a number of groundwater potential zones. The most probable groundwater potential zones cover ~14% of the entire study area and located within carbonate rocks consisting limestone and dolomite. The presence of pre-existing structures together with younger and coarse sedimentary rocks deposited atop the carbonate rocks played a significant role in the development of high well fields in the southern part of the area. Moderate-to-high groundwater potential zones within Ventersdorp lava coincide with maximum concentrations of fractures. The results of statistical correlation suggest that 62% of high borehole yield within the Ventersdorp lave can be attributed to fracture density. In general, the present approach is very effective in delineating potential targets and can be used as a sound scientific basis for further detailed groundwater investigation.
KEY WORDS:- Multi-data, thematic layers, groundwater, carbonate rocks, structures


The quality of groundwater is influenced by the chemistry of the rocks through which it migrates. The rock types in an area, particularly their weathered products and rainfall contribute greatly to the chemistry of groundwater. The present study examines the impact of bedrock on the chemistry of groundwater from shallow granite aquifers in Northern Nigeria. Groundwater samples from northeast (Hong), northwest (Zango) and Northcentral (Ogbomosho) were collected and analyzed for relevant water quality parameters. The concentration of fluoride (0.0-3.50) and some heavy metals such as iron (0.3-4.6), nickel (0.1-0.98), copper (0.0-.85), lead (0.001-0.4.0), Manganese (0.00-1.4) and arsenic (0.0-0.76) were slightly higher than their recommended maximum permissible limit in some locations and the observed anomalies can be attributed to geogenic influence as no visible industries are domiciled in these areas. Based on these signatures, the geochemical evolutions of groundwater from the three locations were quantitatively described by the interaction with rock-forming minerals released into the groundwater system through natural processes of weathering and dissolution in the flow-path. This is a testimony to the fact that groundwater can be grossly contaminated with critical elements by natural means. Analyses of rock samples from these locations revealed the presence of nacaphite, a fluoride rich mineral as well as arsenic, nickel, copper, lead and iron. The observed concentration ranges of fluoride and heavy metals are a reflection of the natural background concentration and a landmark in geochemical characterization of groundwater system in these areas. The enrichment trend is in the order of Zango > Hong > Ogbomosho. This implies that the granites in the area are composed of mineral containing these elements. Communities living in the granite/rhyolite dominated region where cases of fluorosis and heavy metal contamination have been observed should discontinue the use of groundwater from the area for domestic and drinking purposes. The Government should provide an alternative source of drinking water for the people.


PMWIN5.3 has been one of the most commonly used software for groundwater modeling because of its free source and the adoption of popular core program MODFLOW. However, the fixed formats required for data input and lack of GIS data support have posted big challenges for groundwater modelers who are dealing with large areas with complicated hydrogeological conditions. In South Africa, most geological and hydrogeological data have been captured and stored in GIS format during various national research projects such as WR2005, NGA and etc. Therefore, a proper linkage between PMWIN and ArcGIS is expected to do the preprocessing for modeling in PMWIN. Visual Basic for Application (VBA) embedded in ArcGIS 9.3 was used to develop the linkage. Based on the conceptualization of the study area, the model dimension, discretization and many value setting processes can be easily carried out in ArcGIS other than directly in PMWIN. Then the grid specification file and other input files can be exported as the PMWIN-compatible files. The functions of move, rotation, refinement, sub-model, deleting and inserting row(s) or column(s) of the model have also been developed to avoid the inconvenience aroused from model modification. The linkage can be used with a higher version of PMWIN or ArcGIS. It has been applied to several gold fields in the Witwatersrand gold basin to simulate the groundwater flow and mass transportation for various conditions and scenarios. One of the applications will be presented in this paper. It has been proved that the linkage is efficient and easy to use. {List only- not presented}


The possibility of large reserves of shale gas underlying the Karoo and their exploitation has focused attention on the groundwater resources and aquifers of this region. Much is known about the relatively shallow aquifers (<300 m) which supply many local municipalities and farmers with water for domestic, stock and irrigation use (mostly from boreholes <150 m in depth). Conversely, little is known about the deeper formations (>500 m) and associated groundwater occurrences and their possible interconnection to the shallow aquifer systems. This paper covers a desk study of the southern Karoo, mostly above the Great Escarpment, carried out by a group of hydrogeologists/geochemists with a cumulative experience of about 250 years. The main consideration at this stage has been the collation and analysis of existing information, using GIS, conceptualisations, and identification of knowledge gaps.

A Karoo Groundwater Atlas was published in 2012 and Volume 2 has been released at this conference, which present a summary of the main analyses. Borehole yield, recharge and quality in the shallow aquifer tend to improve, and water levels become shallower, from west to east, associated with higher rainfall and increased percentage of dolerite and sandstone. Aquifer yield, quality, lithology and presence of dolerites constitute 60% of a groundwater attributes ratings classification; 54% of the study area has a high rating. Twenty four percent of the study area has a high vulnerability rating. Knowledge of the characteristics of groundwater associated with the deeper formations is restricted to a few thermal springs and sparse data from some deep hydrocarbon exploration wells. Weak artesian flows were recorded from two such wells in the Dwyka Group below the Great Escarpment, with Total Dissolved Solids of up to 10 000 mg/L and temperatures of up to 77 oC, from depths of 2 347 to 3 100 m. Further work and cooperation with other researchers/institutions is on-going and planned to fill in knowledge gaps and assess the risks to groundwater of shale gas exploration.


The National Environmental Management Waste Act, 59 of 2008 (NEMWA) clearly identifies the status and risk of contaminated sites and provides a legislative mechanism for remediation activities to be implemented and controlled. The Draft National Framework for the Management of Contaminated Land (henceforth Framework) provides national norms and standards for the practical implementation of remediation activities in compliance with NEMWA. A soil-screening value (SSV) for the protection of water resources is based on a two-phase equilibrium partitioning and dilution model which includes a dilution factor (DF) and partitioning coefficient (Kd) which converts the water quality guideline to a total soil-screening value. This paper presents a methodology to use soil-specific Kvalues to improve the accuracy of the new South African guideline for contaminated land.

Appropriate Phase 1 screening assessments are important due to the potential consequence it holds. Some uncertainty exists in the Phase 1 screening values due to variability in Kd values for different soil. This study shows that the Kvalues selected for the Framework is not representative of typical South African soils. Cu Kd values exceed the value provided by the Framework in all soils, but are lower that the Framework V Kd value in all soils. For Pb, low clay content weathered soils have lower Kd, but higher clay content soils are up to four orders of magnitude higher that the Kd in the Framework. Furthermore, due to the large variability (three to four orders of magnitude for Cu and Pb) point estimates of a single Kd value cannot be used for all soil types. However, for V only one order of magnitude variation is found. 

A way of addressing the uncertainty would be to determine the water soluble portion during the assessment. This would dramatically increase the certainty with which screening is conducted and could prevent significant inappropriate screening. Additional cost incurred be offset by saving as a result of unnecessary Phase 2 assessments or the reduction of undetected risks that later could impact the environment

Phase 1 screening could also be improved by including soil classification and some basic soil properties in the site assessment and adjusting Kd values, accordingly. Soil properties that can be used are typically clay content, pH and organic matter content. From these properties more appropriate Kds can be estimated for use in setting screening values.


POSTER A quick analysis of spring water quality was conducted in four neighbouring villages, namely Vondo, Matondoni, Maranzhe and Murangoni in Thohoyandou town under the Thulamela Local Municipality (TLM) of the Vhembe District Municipality (VDM). For the purposes of this study these villages will be termed VMMM villages. A study on the spring water quality of VMMM villages was conducted by the CSIR to determine whether the natural quality state of the spring water used by the surrounding communities was suitable for drinking purposes without pre-treatment. From the four springs that were identified in the VMMM villages, namely Tshali (S1), Ramufhufhi (S2), Tshinwela (S3) and Tshivhase (S4), water samples were taken for the quality analyses in the laboratory. The results indicated that S2 and S4 had a high coliform count of 35 and 600 per 100 ml, respectively), that is above  10  counts  per  100 ml.  In  springs  S2  and  S4  the  total  coliform  count  also  displayed  the presence of E.coli (6 and 310 per millilitre, respectively)  – E.coli should not be detected at all according to SANS standard limits (2011). While all other parameters were within standard limits (SANS 241, 2011), it was also interesting to note that both S3 and S4 had a problem of high turbidity (1, 6 and 105 NTU, respectively) compared to 1 NTU which is the standard limit (SANS 241, 2011). These results showed that although these communities relied on groundwater in the form of springs for drinking purposes, unmonitored use of these resources may be a health hazard that has a potential to  result  in disease outbreak  and  unprecedented  deaths. While  groundwater through springs is considered natural, increased activity around the source due to human activity and interference by domestic animals, these sources may be rendered unsafe for drinking purposes without prior treatment. Therefore, there is need for local authorities to put measures in place to monitor water resources considered indigenous and traditional to the communities, especially in areas where these resources have become the main source of water supply for drinking purposes.


The assessment and prediction of mine water rebound has become increasingly important for the gold mining industry in the Witwatersrand basin, South Africa. The cessation of dewatering lead to large volumes of contaminated surface discharges in the western parts of the basin. Towards the eastern extremity of the Witwatersrand basin the detached Evander Goldfield basin has been mined since the early 1950s at depths between 400 and 2 000 m below ground, while overlain by shallower coal mining operations. The hydrogeology of the Evander basin can be categorised by a shallow weathered-fractured rock aquifer comprising of the glacial and deltaic sediments of the Karoo Supergroup, while the deeper historically confined fractured bedrock aquifer consist predominantly of quartzite with subordinate lava, shale and conglomerate of the Witwatersrand Supergroup. The deep Witwatersrand aquifer has been actively dewatered for the last 60 years, with a peak rate o60 Ml per day in the mid late 1960s. Modelling the impacts of mine dewatering and flooding on a regional scale as for the Evander basin, entails challenges like the appropriate discretisation of mine voids  and  the  accurate  modelling  of  layered  aquifer  systems  with  different  free  groundwater surfaces on a regional scale. To predict the environmental impacts of both the historic and future deep mining operations at Shaft 6, the detailed conceptual model of the aquifer systems and three- dimensional model of the mine voids were incorporated into a numerical groundwater model to simulate the dewatering and post-closure rebound of the water tables for the basin. The presented model could serve as an example for the successful modelling of mine dewatering and flooding scenarios for other parts of the Witwatersrand basin.


The Sagole hot spring is located in the northern Limpopo Province of South Africa. Investigations were carried out in order to investigate the groundwater aquifer and water chemistry. Results were envisaged to the understanding of the geothermal potential of the area. Regional scale airborne magnetic data and geology were used for identifying structures and lithological boundaries that are associated with thermal groundwater aquifers. Detailed ground follow-up and verification surveys were  carried  out  across  the  target,  using  magnetic,  electrical  resistivity  tomography  (ERT), frequency-domain electromagnetic (FDEM) and radiometric methods. Water samples were collected from the spring eye and archival groundwater data was analysed. The interpretation of the airborne magnetic data revealed the presence of west to east, northwest and intersecting lineaments at the hot spring. From magnetic data, the groundwater aquifer was found to be capped by basalt with heat rising to the surface along possible geological contacts, faults or fractures. The FDEM profile data across the aquifer zone had peak values above 100 mS/m. The inversion of ERT data defined a highly electrical conductive, low resistivity with thickness of about 60 m. Chemical analysis of the ground water revealed that the water does not have any indication of pollution. The thermal water was found to be of meteoric origin. The drilling of artesian thermal boreholes through the capping basalt should be explored. The hot-water boreholes will be utilised by the community for domestic, irrigation and possible development of micro-geothermal systems.


Groundwater is the water that is found beneath the surface of the ground in a saturated zone (Bear 1979). Groundwater contamination refers to the groundwater that has been polluted commonly by human activities to the extent that it has higher concentrations of dissolved or suspended constituents. The scale of the potential supply of groundwater from the Cape Flats Aquifer Unit (CFAU) is very significant due to the increase of the population in Cape Town that leads to limited water resources (Maclear 1995). Groundwater contamination is a threat in the Cape Flats. This is because sand is more susceptible to pollution as a result of urbanisation, industrialisation, intense land use area for waste disposal and agricultural activities (Adelana 2010). The aim of this paper is to evaluate groundwater contamination and assess possible prevention and treatment measures in the CFAU. Pumping tests were done in UWC site in Borehole 5 (pumping borehole) and Borehole 4 (observation borehole) for six hours; three hours was for the pumping and the other three hours for recovery. This was done in order to see how the aquifer recovers after pumping. Water samples were also taken and analysed in the lab. This was done to find the type of contamination, whether it is degradable or non-degradable. The Borehole 5 drawdown plot is showing a straight line. This suggests a linear flow and that there is no confining bed beneath. This is because straight lines are showing the Cooper-Jacob type curve, which is for unconfined aquifers. The curve of Borehole 4 can be fitted to a Theis-type curve. This suggests a radial flow pattern indicating homogeneous characteristics in the deeply weathered zone and that there is a confining bed beneath. This is because aquifers responding in the same manner as the Theis-type curve, are confined aquifers (Hiscock 2005).The groundwater samples are showing a TDS range of 260 to 1 600 mg/l. This could be the result of the waste water treatment plant that is near UWC and the industries that are near the airport and at Bellville South. In conclusion, the geology of the CFAU is very susceptible to groundwater contamination, which is due to agricultural, industrial and human activities.


This study explores some of the principle issues associated with quantifying surface  water and groundwater interactions and the practical application of models in a data scarce region such as South Africa. The linkages between the various interdependent components of the water cycle are not well understood, especially in those regions that suffer problems of data scarcity, and there remain  urgent  requirements  for  regional  water  resource  assessments.  Hydrology  (both  surface water and groundwater hydrology) is a difficult science; it aims to represent highly variable and non- stationary processes which occur in catchment systems, many of which are unable to be measured at the scales of interest. The conceptual representations of these processes are translated into mathematical form in a model. Different process interpretations, together with different mathematical representations, result in the development of diverse model structures. These structural uncertainties are difficult to resolve due to the lack of relevant data. Further uncertainty is introduced  when  parameterising  a  model,  as  the  more  complex  the  model,  the  greater  the possibility that many different parameter sets within the model structure might give equally acceptable results when compared with observations. Incomplete and often flawed input data are then used to drive the models and generate quantitative information. Approximate implementations (model structures and parameter sets), driven by approximate input data, will necessarily produce approximate results. Most model developers aim to represent reality as far as possible, and as our understanding of hydrological processes has improved, models have tended to become more complex. Beven (2002) highlighted the need for a better philosophy toward modelling than just a more explicit representation of reality and argues that the true level of uncertainty in model predictions  is  not  widely  appreciated.  Model  testing  has  limited  power  as  it  is  difficult  to differentiate  between  the  uncertainties  within  different  model  structures,  different  sets  of alternative parameter values and in the input data used to run a model. A number of South African case studies are used to examine the types of data typically available and explore the extent to which a model is able to be validated considering the difficulty in differentiating between the various sources of uncertainty. While it is difficult to separate input data, parameter and structural uncertainty, the study found that it should be possible to at least partly identify the uncertainty by a careful examination of the evidence for specific processes compared with the conceptual structure of a specific model. While the lack of appropriate data means there will always be considerable uncertainty surrounding model validation, it can be argued that improved process understanding in an environment can be used to validate model outcomes to a degree, by assessing whether a model is getting the right results for the right reasons.


Work is being conducted in Limpopo province following a large volume release of petroleum hydrocarbons that took place from a leaking underground pipeline, resulting in significant groundwater contamination. This is considered to be the largest petroleum hydrocarbon release recorded to date in South Africa. The leak took place for 15 years before it was discovered 13 years ago in 2000. From the pressure tests that were performed, 10-15 ML of A-1 Jet fuel is considered to havbeen  released  to  the  subsurface.  Product  bailing was  the  first method  employed  for  the recovery of the free product, and was later replaced with a P&T system which was considered to be more effective.

The village located about 6 km to the north of the spillage depends mostly on groundwater. This paper presents a progress update of works that have been conducted in support of developing a conceptual model which aims to determine the areal extent of the plume.


Southern Africa hosts over 93% of the continent's energy, which has been conserved in coal seams deposited  in  various  Karoo  age  sedimentary  basins.  Carbon  dioxide  geological  storage  (CGS)  is proving  to  be  an  emerging  greenhouse  gas  technology  (GHGT),  that  global  governments  have elected to mitigate the projected coal use in Southern Africa. One of the major challenges of successfully introducing CGS to the public and world leaders is the significant risk the technology poses to groundwater resources. Lack of public confidence is further coupled by the poor knowledge of the subsurface behaviour of injected media, such as CO2, in South African potential lithological reservoirs. The study has utilised data from a current MSc research, in which the Springbok Flats Coal Basin (SFCB) has been used as the problem set-up. The aim of this study is to determine which FELOW™ mesh  geometry would  be  the most  suitable  to  simulate  a  CO2   ingress plume within  a regional aquifer. The study has utilised principals of dense vegetation zones (DVZ) and density- variable fluid flow (DVFF) when simulating the ingression. The specific objective is to utilise the simulation  results  to  guide  amendments  of  water  legislature,  towards  accommodating  CO2 geological  injection  and  storage operations.  Results indicate  that  a  combination  of  high-quality triangular meshes of various geometries, created with the FEFLOW compatible mesh generator, TRIANGLE, produced the best 3D model and simulation results. The basic matrice unit for the DTZ was defined as a quad mesh composed of two right-angled triangles and one equi-angualar triangle (five nodes), while the unit for modelling springs was defined as a quad mesh with four-equi-angular triangles, both used in various scales. The results were used to amend the Stream Flow Reduction Activities (SFRA) policy and thus the aquifer licensing procedure of the National Water Act, in order to accommodate the allocation of aquifer use licenses for CO2  geological storage operations. The amendments illustrate the significance of finite element simulation codes for integrated water resources management policy.


A new mining site situated near Kolwezi in the Democratic Republic of the Congo plans to develop a pit in phases over a period of six years. The mine requires dewatering volume estimates of the pit as well as a constant water supply to the plant. Hydrogeologic data available at the site during the scoping phase was limited to a few water level measurements and blowout yields from only five hydrological boreholes. Hydraulic properties from reports at neighbouring sites were extrapolated to the geological units at the site. The depth to water level at the site is about 20 m, with a planned final pit depth of approximately 180 m below surface.

Based on the limited data available an analytical approach to estimate the inflow into the mine was adopted. Analytical calculations proposed by Marinelli and Niccoli (2000) were used to estimate the inflow into the Pumpi mine pits. The analytical calculations consider recharge, depth of mining vertical and horizontal hydraulic conductivities. Drawdown evolution of pit dewatering are obtained by using different mining depths at different mine stages. The output results from the analytical calculations are the maximum extent of influence of the pit as well as the volume of water inflow into the pit. Limitations of the analytical equations are that they, amongst others, cannot consider complex boundaries.

Drilling and pump testing to obtain local hydraulic properties and boundary conditions are planned during the first quarter of 2013. The numerical model will be set up after the drilling and pumping tests, using the new data for calibration. The numerical model will contain as much of the physical layer definitions and potential internal boundaries as possible with model boundaries incorporated along  far  field  fault  zones  and  hydraulic  boundaries.  The  numerical model  should  improve the reliability of estimates of pit inflow and water supply to the plant.

The results between the analytical and numerical approaches can then be compared to improve future dewatering estimates with limited data. It is expected that the reliability of the analytical predictions will reduce after year 4, where the role of boundaries are expected to influence the drawdowns and related flow towards the pit.


The significance of a reliable groundwater resource assessment is of growing importance as water resources are stretched to accommodate the growing population. An essential component of a groundwater resource assessment is the quantification of surface water–groundwater interaction. The  insufficient  amount  of  data  in  South  Africa  and  the  apparent  lack  of  accuracy  of  current estimates of the groundwater component of baseflow lead to the investigation of a new method. This applicability of this new approach, the Mixing Cell Model (MCM), to quantify the groundwater contribution to baseflow is examined to assess whether the method would be of use in further groundwater resource assessments. The MCM simultaneously solves water and solute mass balance equations  to  determine  unknown  inflows  to  a  system,  in  this  application  the  groundwater component of baseflow. The incorporation of water quality data into the estimation of the surface water–groundwater  interaction  increases the  use of  available  data,  and  thus has  the  ability to increase the confidence in the estimation process. The mixing cell model is applied to datasets from the surface water–groundwater interaction test site developed by the University of the Free State, in addition to data collected along the middle Modder River during a fieldwork survey. The MCM is subsequently applied to a set of quaternary catchments in the Limpopo Province for which there are available calibrated estimates of the groundwater component of baseflow for the Sami and Hughes models. The MCM is further applied to the semi-arid quaternary catchment D73F to assess the applicability of the mathematically-based MCM in a flow system within a regionally-defined zero groundwater  baseflow  zone.  The  results  indicate  that  the  MCM  can  reliably  estimate  the groundwater component of baseflow to a river when sufficient data are available. Use of the MCM has  the  potential  to  evaluate  as  well  as  increase  the  confidence  of  currently  determined groundwater baseflow volumes in South Africa, which will in turn ensure the responsible and sustainable use of the countries water resources.


In recent years there is an increased awareness of hydrocarbon contamination in South Africa, and the need for remediating sites affected by these contaminants. Hydrocarbon contamination of groundwater can be caused by a large variety of activities at industrial, mining or residential areas. Once these contaminants are discovered in groundwater where it poses risks to human health and/or the environment, remediation is often required. Remediation of groundwater has become a booming industry for groundwater practitioners and often there is an attitude of more sophisticated and expensive solutions are better. This paper will show that this attitude is not always the best solution, but rather recommend an approach where a combination of low cost/low maintenance system need to be investigated and applied to reach clean-up goals. Determination of natural attenuation potential and on-going monitoring forms an integral part of this type of solution.


Variability in both rainfall and raw water demands at South African mines and lack of accurate predictive planning tools often leads to water shortages or spillages of excess dirty water. The demand varies due to changing production rates, scheduled and unscheduled maintenance, while available water resources are greatly influenced by droughts and untimely storm events. Using averages in static water balances or planning for “worst case scenarios” by increasing storm water capacity or securing larger volumes from external sources “for in case”, is expensive and could still be inadequate.

A dynamic simulation model can integrate all the variables above with available ground- and surface water resources. Groundwater is  often underestimated as  a  source.  A  simulation model can  test  strategies to optimise its role before expensive dams or pipelines are considered.

In the case studies presented, Arena simulation software (from Rockwell) are used with hourly time steps to dynamically simulate water flows/levels, evaporation, seepage and rainfall runoff. All flows and dam levels are recorded to Excel for statistical analysis after simulation runs. To calculate the significance of overflow events and maximum demands the model runs multiple iterations which render specific confidence intervals for results, for example a 95% confidence level that a specific dam will not overflow more than once during the life of mine. Models may span several shafts, concentrator plants and smelter complexes. One model integrated over 1 000 flows and 75 dams with respective flow logic on the backdrop of a Google map of operations. Highlights of recent case studies include: 

  • Groundwater from shallow anthropogenic aquifers greatly reduced external raw water requirements.
  • This also prevented the clean water from overflowing into the underground workings where it is then pumped from depth as dirty water. 
  • Artificial recharge of an aquifer with sporadic excess surface water increased the groundwater in storage that was used as a buffer for drought periods. 
  • Optimised models proved that external raw water requirements and overflows into the environment could be significantly reduced and in some cases eliminated.

A dynamic water balance simulation model integrates business components with all related flows and storages and is the best tool available to accurately predict water resource demands and overflows to the environment. It enables the testing and optimization of water management strategies long before capital is spent and enhances the understanding, buy-in and decision support for all affected parties.

A picture is worth a thousand words... A (good) simulation is worth a thousand pictures!


Accurate parameter estimation for fractured-rock aquifers is very challenging, due to the complexity of   fracture   connectivity,   particularly   when   it   comes   to   artesian   flow   systems   where   the potentiometric  is  above  the  ground  level,  such  as  semi-confined,  partially  confined  and  weak confined aquifers in Table Mountain Group (TMG) Aquifer. The parameter estimates of these types of aquifers are largely made through constant-head and recovery test methods. However, such tests are seldom carried out in the Table Mountain Group Aquifer in South Africa due to the lack of a proper testing unit made available for data capturing and an appropriate method for data interpretation. 

An artesian borehole of BH-1 drilled in TMG Peninsula Formation on the Gevonden farm in Western Cape Province was chosen as a case study. The potentiometric surface is above the ground level in the rainy season, while it drops to below ground level during the dry season. A special testing unit was designed and implemented in BH-1 to measure and record the flow rate during the free-flowing period, and the pressure changes during the recovery period. All the data were captured at a function of time for data interpretation at later stage. 

Curve-fitting software developed with VBA (Visual Basic Application) in Excel was adopted for parameter estimation based on the constant-head and recovery tests theories. The results indicate that a negative skin zone exists in the immediate vicinity of the artesian borehole in Rawsonville, and the  hydraulic  parameters  estimates  of  transmissivity  (T)  ranging  from  6.9  to  14.7 m2/d  and storativity  (S)  ranging  from  2.1×10-5   to  2.1×10-4   appear  to  be  reasonable  with  measured  data collected from early times. The effective radius is estimated to be 0.5 to 1.58 m. However, due to formation losses, the analytical method failed to interpret the data collected at later times. Consequently the analysed results by analytical solution with later stage data are less reliable for this case. Numerical modelling is proposed to address the issue in future.


Currently limited progress is made in South Africa (and Africa) on the protection of groundwater quality. To achieve the objective of water for growth and development and to provide socio- economic and environmental benefits of communities using groundwater, significant aquifers and well-fields must be adequately protected. Groundwater protection zoning is seen as an important step in this regard. Till today, only one case study of groundwater protection zoning exists in Africa. Protection zone delineation can be done using published reports and database data. However, due to the complexity of the fractured rock at the research site, more data are required. This data can be collected by conducting a hydro census and through aquifer tests. An inventory of the activities that can potentially impact water quality was done and aquifer characteristics such as transmissivity and hydraulic conductivity were determined through various types of aquifer testing. Fracture positions were identified using fluid-logging and fracture flow rates were also measured using fluid-logging data. A conceptual model and basic 3D numerical model were created to try to understand groundwater movement at the research site. The improved information will be used to build a more detailed numerical model and implement a trustworthy groundwater protection plan, using protection zoning. The expected results will have applicability to groundwater management in general. The protection plan developed during this project can be used as case study to update and improve policy implementation.